Monday, July 02, 2007

Quick Notes

  • My friend from college, Dr. A the pediatric endocrinologist, is here! She and her dad drove halfway across the USA and got here Friday night with the moving van. They stayed with us that night, and we moved them in on Saturday with help from some friends. It's so great to have her here. I've been having fun helping her unpack.

  • We let the frog go this morning. Between the expense of buying crickets and the fact that it was obvious the frog missed her freedom, it seemed the best thing to do. I caught her in the front yard originally, but we released her in the garden. She hopped onto a big cauliflower leaf and seemed happy to be free.

  • Still looking for a home for the hamster. Her corn-containing food spilled in the pantry and got all in the plastic food storage containers. That's exactly why I'd prefer not to have it in the house.

  • The girls are playing with dolls right now, dressing them in various outfits. Baby E just came in wanting me to help, and said "Baby hat on, pease?"

  • Today is going to be a crazy day. I'm trying to get a few specific tasks done before SIL comes to help with decluttering tomorrow. I'm supposed to get the bookcases and the desk area done so we can move furniture. In a few minutes I have a chiropractor appointment, then I have to run another errand, and then a friend I haven't seen for a year or more is coming to visit. Then I'm watching another friend's two kids and possibly a neighbor's child also in the afternoon, and tonight we have a church meeting. I have a feeling I'll be glad when bedtime comes! My days aren't usually this hectic, I promise. :)

  • I have been getting together with friends more, though . . . usually at least twice a week the last few weeks. It's so much easier to have people over now that my house is starting to look better again.

  • Decluttering and organizing with SIL went much better last week. I opened windows in the rooms we were working on, which seemed to help a lot with the allergies. Also, we weren't sorting through a lot of old clothes this time. The old clothing and fabric somehow seems to get to me the worst.
