Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Beans and Rice

This week, we're eating beans, rice and water. All week long, for every meal. It's a project our church is doing together as part of our current sermon and activity series.

We've been having a lot of messages about loving God and others, and passages like the Good Samaritan. Last week we heard a message about the passage where Jesus said that when we give a cup of cold water or help someone in need in His name, we do it for Him. This week the entire church is being asked to participate, at whatever level is appropriate for their abilities, age, health issues, etc. in a beans, rice and water fast.

The rice and beans project is to help us learn about, empathize with and pray for those who live in poverty around the world, appreciate what we have and be willing to share in our blessings. The best part is that we're all taking the money we save on groceries and sending it to Forward Edge International to dig a well (hopefully two wells) in a desperately needy village in Nicaragua.

The kids and I are doing a slightly modified version, allowing ourselves a few vegetables along with the beans and rice. DH and NLASS are sticking to just beans and rice, although seasonings are allowed. So far, it's going well.

The kids aren't a big fan of beans, but they're learning to appreciate some dishes they otherwise would have been hesitant to try.

We've spent quite a bit of time talking, learning about and praying for the people who get very little to eat, and who would be thankful to have such a quantity and variety of beans and rice as we're getting. The girls were very touched by reading and seeing videos about the kids living in the dump in Managua (note: Some of the videos touch on some topics that may be sensitive for children--you may want to prewatch it and note any places where you'll want to mute the video).

We joined this project to contribute to blessing others. But we're getting blessed through it ourselves as we learn about the people and projects in Nicaragua, take our eyes off ourselves, and gain a greater appreciation for God's blessing in our lives.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 23 Sept 2009: Ebee on Flouride

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ebee and M&M just made up a new bedtime game. Ebee is a princess and M&M is her servant. So M&M helps Ebee get ready for bed and waits on her hand and foot, while Ebee lies in bed and tells M&M what do to. They're both having a blast.

It seems a little backwards, though . . . doesn't this game usually happen when the older child talks the little brother or sister into pretending to be the servant while the older kid acts like royalty?

I'm glad they're both enjoying themselves, and it warms my heart to see M&M choosing to practice servanthood.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Blogging Blitz

M&M has become very interested in and diligent with keeping up her blog the last few days. I thought I'd repost her most recent posts here for those who don't read over at the other blog but might enjoy these.

• Sep. 18, 2009

Awana is a Bible club. OK, first is council time. Next you play games. Next you say verses. Sometimes we color before verses. Then we sing. The last thing we do is the winning team guess what? The winning team gets candy! We don't usually win but I'm still happy I go because I love JESUS!

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• Sep. 18, 2009
My Favorite Bible Character

My favorite Bible character is Esther. Want to know why? Because she would be willing die for her own people. It comforts me to think about it.

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• Sep. 18, 2009
Raven and the Bear

Once upon a time there was a Native American girl named Raven.One day she went into the woods.She went deeper and deeper into the forest. After a while she was lost! She couldn't see her home anywhere! She was very frightened.

"Help!" she yelled. She yelled and yelled. But nobody came.

Then suddenly she heard a rustle from the trees above her own head! Not just anybody's head but her head! She yelled even louder than before. But not as Raven expected it was just a crow.

Next she heard a rustle in front of her! A Bear with her cubs came out of the brush. Raven stopped screaming .She was glad the Bear had come. The Bear was her spirit guide. And as she expected the Bear helped her find her way home.

P.S. Some Native Americans believe in animal spirit guides.

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• Sep. 14, 2009
Starting Awana

We just started Awana! I'm really excited! It's great! I made a new frend named S! She was in Cubbies last year. There were 2 more new Sparkies named Sid and C (Girls). Were doing it every Thursday. My big sister is in T&T now!

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Two deaths I learned of this week leave me great sadness tonight.

My friend J and her dog J were such a blessing in my life and Mira's this past year. They trained with us, dogsat Mira, and J and I spent much time talking on e-mail and the telephone. She was such a loving, caring, gentle and giving person. She was a precious friend to me.

I know she is with her beloved Lord Jesus, but I miss her so much already. There were so many things I wanted to share with her and ask her still. I'm so very sad that I didn't get to see her more these last few months, after communicating over phone and e-mail became so difficult for her. She leaves a husband, children, dog and other family and friends who will miss her terribly.

Yesterday, the husband and father of a family I've known since childhood was killed in a hit and run accident while bicycling. Mr. P. was a wonderful, gentle, kind and humble man with a great sense of humor and love for God, family, students, all the people around him, and life in general. He was very much loved by his students, the church and homeschool community, his family, and so many more who knew him. His daughter and wife drove past shortly after the accident, which happened almost in front of their church, and immediately recognized his mangled bicycle.

The car was driven by an 18-year-old who, last year as one of this man's students, reportedly said that Mr. P. was the only person who believed in him and thought he could graduate. He had already had run-ins with the law on drug possession, driving while suspended, and assault charges.

Today Mrs. P was at the school where Mr. P taught, comforting students and sharing about the hope and faith that she and Mr. P shared in Jesus Christ. Their daughter, our long-time babysitter, posted a picture about receiving comfort in Christ's arms and a poem looking forward to Heaven where there will be no darkness, death, pain or tears.

Many are grieving tonight. Please pray for Mr. P's wife and children, friends and family, students and loved ones. And please pray for the young man behind the wheel, that this will be a turning point in his tumultous young life and he will come to know the salvation that Mr. P depended upon. Pray for the students, too. May they all be strengthened and comforted, and drawn to the One who can uphold them the best.



Monday, September 14, 2009

Short post

AJ got her splint off today. It seems to be healing well. Things have been busy with starting the school year. We're enjoying it, but still working on getting into the swing of things. My goal for this week is to start getting to bed earlier so that I will hopefully have more energy.

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