Eleventy-One Things About Me, 1-11
I think it's a fun idea, but I think a page of 100 facts at once is a bit much to read. So I like the idea I've seen of people breaking it up into more manageable chunks. And, I think 100 is rather a boring number. I prefer Tolkein's concept of 111, or eleventy-one, as a significant number.
So I'm going to see if I can get to eleventy-one things about me, a few at a time.
Here is my first installment:
1. I got my first grey hair at age 13--and I was one of the late ones in my family.
2. I did try dyeing my hair something close to its original color (various shades of brown) a few times, but decided I'd rather have gray hair than a scalp consisting of nothing but itchy red hives and raw skin. Besides, according to the Bible grey hair is a crown of glory and a sign of wisdom (well, maybe I can fake it as long as I don't open my mouth).
3. I'm "five foot two, eyes of blue"
4. I'm married to a man who's over 6' 2"
5. I was probably one of the most accident/injury-prone children in the history of humanity.
6. My favorite food is chocolate (I know, I know, you already knew that one).
7. I am a homeschool graduate.
8. I'm 7 months pregnant with our third girl.
9. As of tonight, I can still button my size 4-Petite red matinee jacket (similar to a blazer), but only if I hold my breath and pull really hard on it.
10. I'm the oldest of three girls.
11. I'm married to a man who is the youngest of 12 kids.
Hmmm, do the ones about my husband really count? What do you think? If you think that's cheating, I'll add a couple of bonus ones to this post.
Remember, you don't have to register for anything to be able to leave comments on this blog, so I hope everyone who reads this votes on that point. :)
That looks like a definite "Hello" to me. I'm also impressed by her handwriting (is she just three? or four? in any case, she's done a very good job for her age!).
My middle child just turned five and she still slides glue sticks off the paper on a continual basis. It's fun and developmentally good to do all the artsy craftsy stuff, but man, what a mess.
Hi, Allison! Thanks for posting. The "hello" in that earlier post was written by my younger daughter, M, who is 2 turning 3 next month.
She can be very meticulous, and she really wants to write, even more than she wants to read. Maybe she'll grow up to have an interest in writing--that would be fine with me! :)
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