Thursday, June 23, 2005

Hmmm . . . food.

I'm in the last few weeks of my pregnancy now, and in looking back at my recent blog entries, it appears I've developed quite an interest in food.

It does seem I most enjoy and appreciate food most when I'm pregnant. Other times I can often take it or leave it, but everything seems to taste better as a result of pregnancy hormones. And then there are the cravings, which mean I bake and cook more unusual things.

DH even coined a saying: "Never get between a pregnant woman and her food."

Of course, I'm starting to get to the point where I pile my plate with delicious-looking food and then run out of space in my baby-compressed stomach even while I still feel hungry.

No wonder DH tends to gain weight during my pregnancies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really oughta find a new abbrev. for DH... it sounds too much like Divorced Husband.

4:37 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

DH is Dear Husband . . . XH would be divorced (ex) husband. :)

Actually, I didn't make up the acronym. DH, DW, DD, DS etc. are pretty common in usage on message boards and chat rooms. I'm just used to them, so I keep using them. :)

10:59 PM  

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