Friday, June 17, 2005

Just go on

A started singing this song in the car on the way home tonight, and I looked at DH and said, "She can't be making this up! She must have heard it somewhere." He said, "No, she's making it up as she goes along," and then we both said, "Wow! How does she do that???"

Pretty soon M was singing along repeating lines and they were doing an "echo" thing and singing in unison on the lines that repeated.

I grabbed a pen and started writing it down. Some of it is pretty nonsensical . . . she's just barely 4 and was singing whatever popped into her head. The music, rythm and the tune were sort of a country style, and went very well with the feel of the words.

When something's wrong,
Don't give up, just go on.

Don't even cry,
Don't look to the side.
Do not read the sign
For stop or go;
Just go on.

Don't even touch your hair
Or hair barrette.

[M was playing with her hair and A was teasing her about it in the words to her song, and they were both laughing and singing.]

All right! No, no, no
Just go on.

Don't climb up a tree
Don't touch your hair barrettes
Don't look at a light
Or read a sign

Just don't give up
That's all
Just go on.

If something's wrong
Don't give up,
Just go on.

Don't slip slip slippery
Or even smell
Or taste a pinecone
And not snow
And not hear
And not see
Or even taste, no
Or even feel . . .

No, no, no, no, no
When something's wrong
Don't give up
Just go on.


Blogger Kevin said...

Neat song! I like it. :) It imparts an important lesson that it is good for me to be reminded of. Such fleeting wonders of creativity are too easily forgotten. Thanks for sharing it.

2:32 PM  
Blogger BrightStar (B*) said...

this could definitely be a real song. you have a little artist on your hands!

7:09 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Kevin and brightstar. I may be a bit biased, but I think she definitely shows potential. :)

12:33 AM  

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