
Phantom Scribbler has a post up about answering the door to strangers. I probably shouldn't, but in our current neighborhood I feel pretty safe and I often do.
I need to get a no soliciting sign and a peephole for our door.
The day our front door was installed, DH and the other men on the jobsite decided we didn't need a peephole in our door. Because it's so easy to just peek out the little window in the top of the door.
Easy for them, maybe. DH is 6' 2 1/2" tall and it's right at eye level for him. I'm 5' 2" and I can't see out the window even on tiptoe.
I have to walk up the stairs and look out the window from the landing, which gives me a partial view of someone's back or shoulder perhaps, while putting me in full view from the street.
When I was a young newlywed in a strange town, there was no way to see the front porch area at all from our apartment. Nobody we knew ever came to the door without calling first. I just didn't answer the door if I was home alone, period.
One afternoon the doorbell rang, and I as usual didn't answer. Then the doorknob started wiggling. Next came some clicking sounds.
I had run up the stairs and down the hall by the time I heard the door (which had been locked) coming open. Then heavy male-sounding footsteps coming across the entryway.
I was locking myself in the bedroom and picking up the phone to call 9-1-1 when I heard my husband call my name.
He'd decided to come home from work on his lunch break. Why he rang the doorbell before opening the door I have no idea--he must have had his hands full or something, I guess.
When I collapsed sobbing and shaking into his arms, telephone in hand, he said, "Oh. Did I scare you? I'm sorry!"
Oh dear! I don't remember that story. LOL
Did you hear the news report a few months ago about something that happened around here? Someone rang the doorbell at the house of an elderly couple around 7:30 one evening. The older man looked out the peep-hole and saw a clean-shaven man, and a woman in their 30s.
Who wouldn't open the door?
So he did. The woman pulled out a gun, they tied the older couple up, and proceeded to rob them blind. Thankfully no one was hurt, but my, that cured me of opening the door to strangers!
Yipes! I hope he bought you some nice flowers to make up for it.
Amy, I hadn't heard that. How scary!
Liz, I don't think my DH has ever brought me flower as an apology. He does give me flowers once or twice a year as a gift for a special occasion or "just because."
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