Unordered List {UL}
- Random bullets of bullets (Um, as opposed to numbered bullets of non-bullets like some other blogger I know. You know the ribbing is all in good humor, PS. :-P )
- Here's Yet Another(!) photo of the kids I took this week (can you tell it was just after breakfast?).
- DH is back to work today. He's still not up to par, but feeling much better. Nobody else is more than mildly sick at this point, so hopefully that's a good sign.
- Our kids were apparently exposed to chicken pox on Monday. Baby E played especially closely with the child in question. Yes, he was vaccinated for varicella--which may be why he has just a few spots which may or may not be a mild case of chicken pox. No, my kids are not vaccinated for chicken pox.
The incubation period will put them possibly being contagious (IF the kid actually has chicken pox, and IF my kids come down with it) just in time for another big family gathering we had planned at our house the weekend of the 20th. Complete with 9-week-old Baby JL. Yeah. - AJ and MM are being fantabulous the last couple of days. They back to their normal sweet, helpful, cooperative and generally happy selves after a few overtired and grouchy days.
They're also entertaining themselves and each other extremely well for long periods of time, which is why you're seeing an upward trend in blog post quantity, if not quality. - Baby E is also getting better at entertaining herself and a little less high-maintenance as she gets used to her newest stages of development. Ditto last line above.
- Baby E's first (and only) waking of the night was at 5:30 a.m. last night. Yay! Especially since she'd gotten into a being awake most of the night trend again after we let her sleep in our bed while Baby JL slept in the crib last weekend. (Bad Idea.)
- The two older kids are getting really good at cooking, crafts and chores. They're still doing their morning and evening chore charts and are about to win their first big prizes (50 stickers).
MM wants a Disney Princess set of dishes to use for meals and AJ wants baseball stuff (maybe we'll start with a wiffle ball set?). They're also really enjoying the sandbox and their tricycles in this lovely weather. - This morning Baby E was sitting on the floor patting my feet and saying "Dut! Dut!" over and over. Then she leaned down and bit my big toe. I don't know what it is with this kid and feet in the mouth, but I wasn't quite able to keep from laughing. I sure wouldn't want my foot in my mouth.
- I really miss my Sis J and I'm a bit jealous that my dad got to go visit her and meet her friend at university this week.

OK, sure, I'm not a regular commenter here.
So, would it be rude of me to point out that one of those young ladies only has one leg?
Oooo, Kathy is right on that one. Where is AJ's other leg???
(Baby Blue was excited to see a Big Girl wearing the same dress that she has, too.)
Someday I promise I shall add cool bullets to my template. Then the ribbing can cease and desist!
Great picture, but now I am wondering what happened to AJ's other leg.
Oh, didn't I tell you? We had it amputated for cosmetic reasons. She prefers the look of one leg and she loves hopping and using crutches, so she wanted to have only one leg.
We let her do it because then she'd qualify for affirmative action and the ADA, so we figured it would help her get a job when she grows up. Plus, she can always collect disability if she's jobless.
That's pretty funny!!! Oh, pleeeeaaase let me know if your kids get the pox. Mine never came up with them - darn! But I will be there until June 3 (leaving tomorrow) and would love to see you and yours, regardless. In fact, my parents have more than suggested that I have people over instead of running around so if you're up to a field trip... Colleen
that's funny about her leg!
Colleen, give me a call when you get into town and we'll talk about getting together. It will kind of depend on whether/how sick we are, but we'd love to see you.
miraclebaby, glad it gave you a chuckle.
kathyr, I know who you are and read your blog, and you've commented several times, so I guess I sort of consider you a "regular".
Phantom, you've inspired me to figure out how to make those bullets. I e-mailed you the info, too. Give BB a hug from AJ. :)
CCW, I'm going to have to post more pics of her leg now, LOL.
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