M&M Reads "Cowboy Sam and Dandy"

tackling life's puzzles
one piece at a time.
There have been questions as to why “corn” is not included on the label. The reason it is not is that there is no corn in the yeast. Yeast is a living organism that grows by consuming sugar as food. This process is very similar to animal growth. Chickens, cattle, hogs and most other animals are feed corn products, but do not list corn as an ingredient on the meat packages.
Lesaffre Yeast Corporation has had its yeast products tested for corn DNA by an outside laboratory, Gentics ID. There was no corn DNA found in any sample.
It was difficult, later, to think of a time when Betsy and Tacy had not been friends. Hill Street came to regard them almost as one person. Betsy's brown braids went with Tacy's red curls, Betsy's plump legs with Tacy's spindly ones, to school and from school, up hill and down, on errands and in play. So that when Tacy had the mumps and Betsy was obliged to make her journeys alone, saucy boys teased her: 'Where's the cheese, apple pie?' 'Where's your mush, milk?' As though she didn't feel lonesome enough already! And Hill Street knew when Sunday came, even without listening to the rolling bells, for Betsy Ray and Tacy Kelly (whose parents attended different churches), set off down Hill Street separately, looking uncomfortable and strange.
But on this March afternoon, a month before Betsy's fifth birthday, they did not know each other. They had not even seen each other, unless Betsy had glimpsed Tacy, without even knowing her for Tacy, among the children of assorted sizes moving into the house across the street. Betsy had been kept in because of bad weather, and all day she had sat with her nose pasted to the pane. It was exciting beyond words to have a family with children moving into that house.