The day after I did the
7 Random Things About Me meme, Laura at OpinionMom
tagged me for 8 Random Things About Me. Since I think they're probably both versions of the same meme, I'm just going to add one more fact and tag one more person in this post.
Rules and Stuff (stolen from Laura's blog:
The object of the game is to blog “8 Random Facts About Myself.” Here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
The Facts See here for 1-7.Fact #8 (this is also
Eleventy-One Things #48).
I really like making things. Cooking, sewing, crafts, etc. are all fun. But there's something special about wood. Maybe it's because I'm the daughter of a woodworker/carpenter/contractor, but I love wood. I love the feel, the smell, the look of wood.

I'd like to learn more about woodworking, and learn how to do more complicated things like making dovetail joinings and turning spindles. But I enjoy even simple little things like building raised flowerbeds and making shelves.
############### [If you're reading from my main blog page,
click here to read the rest of the post---->]
Yesterday SIL The Mentor came over and installed supports for built-in shelves in the cubby in our office. Basically, it's an indentation 2 feet deep and 3 feet wide from when the house was built. The wall had to be indented on this side to make the shower fit correctly in the bathroom on the other side.
We'd had a big ugly old bookcase stuck into the cubby sideways, so there was a lot of wasted space. These built-in bookshelves are much nicer. I'm so glad SIL helped me get them up. I haven't decided yet whether I'll cover them with a curtain or just leave them open.
SIL made the shelves big enough to accommodate large plastic storage bins. I'll be able to store at least 12 of them on the shelves, filled with things like fabric and craft supplies.
We also moved a couple of bookcases upstairs from the dining room and filled them with books. All the books that had been on the ugly bookshelf, plus many of the books from downstairs, fit on them. (No, this isn't all our books--we are definitely a book-loving family.)
Tonight I went to Big Home Improvement Store and bought shelves to install. I needed 5 shelves 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep. The store carried 2' shelving, but only in 4' lengths. So I bought a 4'X8' piece of 18mm agathis and had a store employee cut it for me.
I told him that he would need to cut 4 pieces the long way and one the wide way to get 5 shelves with 2'x3' dimensions out of the board. But he didn't listen to me. He cut the board all the way down the middle along the length of the board first. Then he tried to tell me I could use the two 2' by 2' pieces left over to make the third shelf, before he realized that what he was saying didn't make sense. At all.
So he cut off the end of another board to make the 5th shelf, without charging me extra. Finally I had my 5 2'x3' shelves with a 1'x2' piece left over.
I bought some oak-look edging for the exposed edges of the shelves. It was actually iron-on laminate edging--gotta love that. When I got home I ironed it on to the exposed edge of each board, then trimmed it. I don't seem to have any sandpaper in the house right now, so I'll have to smooth it out more later. It looks pretty good, anyway.

DH helped me set the shelves onto the braces. They were a snug fit, but they worked.
SIL did most of the work building the set of shelves, of course, but my little bitty part was fun too. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to put on them, and how to arrange it. I can hardly wait to get started. ############
Tags: I was going to tag
Rain Garden, but she just moved and doesn't have internet access at home yet, so I'll tag
Waldorf Our Way also. Both blogs are worth pointing out as enjoyable reads.
Labels: eleventy-one things, just life, making things
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