Transitions, again.
M&M is 11 and is a bright, energetic ray of sunshine. Both M&M and Ebee are taking gymnastics lessons and loving that.
AJ is 12 years old and truly growing up. Even just in the last year her maturity levels, social skills and reasoning/impulse control have come leaps and bounds. She's maturing into a confident, sensible, generally contented young person. She's been involved in music, drama and dance, among other things, and is really enjoying that.
We still have the kids in a hybrid school where they go to school half the week and do their assigned schoolwork at home the other half (alternate days). That is working very well for us, and they are truly thriving both academically and in other ways.
I'm still plugging along, dealing with health issues but very much enjoying living in the country, having animals, and being more able to enjoy the kids with less energy taken up by their schooling.
DH is still working as a computer guru at the same job, and he is very involved with church activities and with the kids. He also arranges and takes the kids to most of their activities.
Life seemed to be at least headed toward settling into a pretty good routine. We thought we had a pretty good idea of what the next few years would look like, at least in general. We were solidly settled into the stage of life where we're parenting school-age kids. Everyone can take themselves to the bathroom, make themselves a sandwich, mostly be responsible for their own pets, even do their own laundry. Life is good.
Then we found out that we were expecting a baby.
She's due in early December.
The girls are beside themselves with excitement.
Hang on for the ride, folks . . . life is unpredictable and exciting! :)
Labels: enjoying the ride, just life, kids, muddling motherhood, transitions