Keen Dat!
On Friday night my two sisters came over to visit while DH and Dad were at the basketball game. At AJ's suggestion, we all worked on the 750-piece puzzle AJ had given me for my birthday. Both of the older girls did great with the difficult puzzle, happily working until they found pieces that fit.
Baby E, of course, wanted to "help" too. She was just tall enough to reach the pieces on the table, so that made it difficult to keep her from grabbing handfuls of the puzzle.
A couple of times she grabbed a puzzle piece off the table and made a beeline for the trash. Throwing things away is one of her favorite pastimes at the moment. Thankfully she usually throws them in the recycling instead of the garbage, so DH finds the sippy cups, toys and socks I miss when he sorts it for pickup.
I really enjoyed spending time with my sisters. Putting a puzzle together is the perfect activity for snacking and chatting.
Sis J has decided to stay in town this semester so she can work on getting stronger and trying to figure out what's going on with her health. It will be nice to have her less than 15 minutes away again (at my parents' house) instead of being clear across the country.
Every time Sister Sparrow comes over, she teaches us some sign language. Last time it was the sign for "please." This time she taught Baby E how to sign "shoe" by bumping the sides of her fists together.
Baby E was delighted, and went around the house finding all the shoes so she could bring them to us and say "shoooo" while knocking her little fists together. The next morning she woke up still talking about shoes.
She's talking about everything these days. She says, "Hey, guys" when she wants to get the older girls' attention, and she calls DH and me "Dad" and "Mom." No "Mommy" and "Daddy" for her--that's for babies!
While I was cooking lunch today, she came over to me and said, "diddle-diddle-diddle" while she giggled and tickled me (quite effectively, I might add) with both hands.
Her favorite word is "yeah," which she says often and with enthusiasm in answer to various questions like "Do you want some kohlrabi?" (She's eating a ton lately, and devours just about anything we give her. Several weeks with no severe food reactions have made her much more adventurous in her eating.)
Another favorite word is "stop," which she says "dop." A few moments ago when I started to lay her down for a nap she started crying and said, "Dop. Dop dat! Doll. Naaah, dat doll. Yeah. Milk." She wanted her doll (that doll, not the other one!) and some milk before her nap.
Her doll is very important to her. Last night when we told her it was time for bed, she went running out into the middle of the family room yelling, "Oh, noooo!" She waved her arms around and shrieked for a few minutes, jabbering wildly and looking around. Then she said, "Doll!"
She didn't know where her doll was, and of course she couldn't go to bed without it. What a catastrophe! DH helped her find it and then she went to bed with little protest.
Baby E watches intently everything we do, and tries to copy it. She has become grand tantrum central lately, mainly because she wants to do things we won't let her do, but that she's sure she knows how to do properly.
She wants to climb up and put things into the toaster, open the refrigerator to take out food and put it in a bowl, grab a potholder out of the drawer and use it to open the oven, scale a chair to type on the computer, and climb up the cupboard to turn on the sound system and the TV. I hope I can figure out how to redirect that keen observation and consummate ability to copy what she sees into safer pursuits.
Baby E spends a lot of time taking the plastic dishes out of the cupboard and setting them around the perimiter of the table, taking glasses to the refrigerator dispenser to try to fill them with water, pretending to feed her dolls out of the dishes, and then putting them all back into the cupboard.
Order and rightness are very important to her, like her sister AJ. When she has a diaper change or uses the potty (which she's doing frequently), it has become increasingly urgent in her mind that I wash her bottom and her hands thoroughly. If I don't do it right, she wants me to do it again and will cry and say "Dop! Ipe!" or "Dop! Keen!" when I try to put her diaper on. She thinks she should really have a bath after each time, but will settle for thorough washing of her bottom, hands and often face.
She loves washing things. The other day she managed to get into the bathroom unattended, and I found her vigorously scrubbing the toilet with a piece of tissue. She'll wash herself, other people, the floor, and just about any other surface with any rag or tissue she can grab. Yesterday she was "sweeping" the floor with a lambswool duster.
I can certainly put that cleaning talent to good use around here; last week a friend looked around my kitchen and then asked me where I kept the broom--or if I even knew that I owned one.
Baby E will be 17 months old in a few days. She's almost a year and a half old already. Wow.
As the year comes to an end, I'm planning to post about each one of the girls individually. I have some really cute, funny and touching things to post about AJ and M&M soon. These kinds of posts are always fun to write.