Long time no post

Apparently I haven't been doing very well at keeping up with my blog lately. I've been really busy with homeschooling, parenting, housework, birthday parties and family/church gatherings, the dog, and the rabbits. Oh, and Facebook. I do update that slightly more often.
We had an opportunity to get a small group of pedigreed Satin rabbits from a show breeder who was quitting, so we now have Satin rabbits. And, we got a trio of mini satin rabbits for the kids to use as their 4-H projects. We still have Gingersnap and Snowflake, but all but one of the mixed-breed meat rabbits have found new homes or have gone into the freezer.
The two older girls and I are planning to take a few of the rabbits to a show a couple of hours north the weekend after next. Ebee will stay here with DH. The weekend after that, I'll be going by myself to a show on the coast where they'll be having a Satin specialty show and I can hopefully learn a lot about the breed and find out how good or not-good our rabbits really are. :) I'm not sure yet if I'll be trying to find a place to stay, or just sleeping in my van that weekend.
Among the Satin rabbits we got was a litter of 4-week-old babies (6 weeks old now). The kids have been enjoying those immensely. They are also very excited about the idea of getting some of the other rabbits ready for the show, and showing them.
AJ turned 8 on Monday. Wow. My little girl is growing up so fast. It seems these years are spinning by faster than I can hold onto them. We had a fun party on Saturday, where the primary party game was playing with bunnies. :)

Tomorrow Mira is getting spayed, and Saturday if I am well enough by then, I have a dog-owner training session.
Right now I have a lovely virus that's been going around. DH and Ebee got it first, and now I have it. AJ and M&M were mildly ill but seem to have fought it off so far for the most part.
And now, I'm signing off and going back to bed!
Labels: just life, loved ones, status report