Thursday, February 26, 2009

Long time no post

Apparently I haven't been doing very well at keeping up with my blog lately. I've been really busy with homeschooling, parenting, housework, birthday parties and family/church gatherings, the dog, and the rabbits. Oh, and Facebook. I do update that slightly more often.

We had an opportunity to get a small group of pedigreed Satin rabbits from a show breeder who was quitting, so we now have Satin rabbits. And, we got a trio of mini satin rabbits for the kids to use as their 4-H projects. We still have Gingersnap and Snowflake, but all but one of the mixed-breed meat rabbits have found new homes or have gone into the freezer.

The two older girls and I are planning to take a few of the rabbits to a show a couple of hours north the weekend after next. Ebee will stay here with DH. The weekend after that, I'll be going by myself to a show on the coast where they'll be having a Satin specialty show and I can hopefully learn a lot about the breed and find out how good or not-good our rabbits really are. :) I'm not sure yet if I'll be trying to find a place to stay, or just sleeping in my van that weekend.

Among the Satin rabbits we got was a litter of 4-week-old babies (6 weeks old now). The kids have been enjoying those immensely. They are also very excited about the idea of getting some of the other rabbits ready for the show, and showing them.

AJ turned 8 on Monday. Wow. My little girl is growing up so fast. It seems these years are spinning by faster than I can hold onto them. We had a fun party on Saturday, where the primary party game was playing with bunnies. :)

Tomorrow Mira is getting spayed, and Saturday if I am well enough by then, I have a dog-owner training session.

Right now I have a lovely virus that's been going around. DH and Ebee got it first, and now I have it. AJ and M&M were mildly ill but seem to have fought it off so far for the most part.

And now, I'm signing off and going back to bed!

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 04 Feb 2009--Weddingness

bride and groom

AJ and Ebee looking at the cake

AJ and M&M looking away from the camera

wedding dancing

Dh and me, still as much (or more) in love 10 years later as we were on our wedding day

(If you know me IRL, the photos that show our faces clearly are up on my Facebook album.)

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Still here

Things have been really crazy the last few weeks with the wedding and everything. Dr. A's wedding was beautiful and fun, and everything went great. Now we're just trying to recover and get back into our routine.

More updates below the fold . . .


I have been feeling quite a bit better the last few weeks. I was only down for 2 or 3 days after the wedding instead of being incapacitated for several weeks, which is a huge improvement. Very encouraging.

My test results on the Epstein-Barr titers came back, and I was very pleased to hear that I do NOT have chronic mononucleosis, and no longer have an active mono infection. It took me about a year, but I'm finally over it and seem to be recovered from having mono. So that's a huge praise.

My friend JT had her baby, and we had a new little grand-nephew born this week too.

We're enjoying our pets a lot, and the pet bunnies and Mira are all scheduled for spays and neuters over the next few weeks. Ebee let all the bunnies out together the weekend before last, so Snowflake's spay may end up being delayed if she got pregnant.

We're becoming quite the menagerie, actually. We also got three meat rabbits (well, we started out with 4, but one went into a stew pretty quickly). The ones left are two does and a buck, that we are possibly going to try our hand at raising (just for ourselves and Mira, not as a business). Ebee let the two pet bucks and all three does out, so we're hoping we're not going to end up having three litters all at once in a few weeks.

At the moment we also have a little bantam rooster that we were given, who had originally been intended for eating also, but he is so cute and non-aggressive and so unusually quiet for a rooster that the kids and I wanted to keep him as a pet. I have been putting him in the garage at night in a dog carrier covered with a cloth, and he stays quiet until I let him out in the late morning. He crows for a while when I first let him out, and then he putters around in the garden eating bugs and dead vegetation all day, and doesn't make even his relatively quiet crowing very much for the rest of the day. He eats hardly any chicken feed, either because he finds so much to eat in the garden or because he is just so small.

DH is adamant that dogs and a rabbit are enough animals for the time being, though, and he's probably right. So the little rooster will need to find a new home in a week or so after he has time to clean up the garden a bit more. It seems a shame to eat such a nice, unusually quiet tiny rooster, so if anyone in the area wants a sweet little bantam rooster for a pet or to start a flock, please let me know. He only weighs about a pound and a half, feathers and all.

Mira is in heat right now, but her training is going well. She is a little less patient than usual with being in heat. I told DH that now I know why they call grumpiness in women what they do. :)

We got our roof fixed this week, finally. No more branch in the ceiling.

The kids are having a bit of a hard time getting back into our school routine after the chaos with the wedding and everything the last few weeks, but I expect that things will settle down within a week or two.

Our homeschool co-op term starts up again in a few weeks, and DH is teaching a class for 7th-12th graders on "What's inside your computer". I think he and the kids will all really enjoy that.

That's all for now! I'm off to bed.

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