Distraction, please!
However, if it keeps up or intensifies in the next few hours I may give the midwife a call just to see if she wants to check and see whether we've made any progress since Wednesday. Then again, maybe not. By this point I'm thinking unless the contractions are knocking me off my feet they're probably not the real thing.
Church was wonderful this morning--I especially enjoyed the worship and the service after missing last week. Everyone kept joking after the service that everyone prayed so hard that this baby wouldn't be born 5 1/2 weeks ago when I started having lots of prelabor, that we made her late. I told them all they can STOP praying she won't be born yet and start praying for the opposite!
We had some friends over for lunch (the rest of the chicken enchiladas, which were fabulous) and had an afternoon rest. Now we're trying to catch up on some things around the house. I think we'll probably watch a movie tonight to try to give me something besides timing contractions to think about.