Thursday, October 12, 2006

Conversation with the Doctor

I can't believe how much better I'm feeling since cutting out maple syrup for Baby E's sake. I thought the yogurt and whipped cream I used to be able to eat in moderation were making me sick. But once I cut out maple syrup to flavor them and started using honey or fruit instead, suddenly those items didn't bother me at all any more.

Since I tested allergic to maple pollen, I guess it makes sense that maple syrup would be a problem.

The other thing that's made a huge difference for me is minimizing dust mite exposure. I'm noticing a distinct difference in my "fibromyalgia" symptoms--my pain levels and ability to sleep well, as well as the respiratory symptoms and headaches, fluctuate drastically according to my dust mite exposure. With allergen covers on the mattress and pillows, and washing all bedding frequently in hot water, I feel much better.

If I spend any amount of time in our most dusty, cluttery rooms (especially the rooms that have bags of clothes I bought at thrift stores and haven't dealt with yet) I seem to get an immediate flare-up of the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms. Any exposure to mildew makes it even worse.

All that, of course, begs the question of how much of the supposed FMS/CFS is really just allergies.

The real challenge is how to get the clutter and the items infested with mildew and dustmites cleaned up without making myself sick in the process. So far I've ended up quite ill whenever I've tried to work on it for any length of time. No wonder it's so hard for me to keep up with housework or declutter--it literally makes me sick.

I think once that's done, though, there should be a huge difference in my health--especially if I can carve out enough time from cooking and taking care of the kids to actually do some vacuuming and dusting once in a while.

On a related note, I talked to the naturopath who was such a help to me in dealing with the FSM/CFS symptoms in the past. She recommended that we add just one food at a time, 4-7 days apart.

She said that with very allergy-ridden kids, she's seen good results with adding three things to their diet to help the body, immune system and digestive system heal itself. It seems pretty simple; just a fatty acid (such as fish oil, evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil), probiotics (the good bacteria such as acidophilus that are the active ingredient in yogurt), and glyconutrients.


We're going to try adding some flaxseed oil to our diet and see if Baby E tolerates that. I've been trying to make sure we get yogurt in our diet, but I recently bought a yogurt maker and will probably experiment with making some out of homemade rice milk. We're going to try a particular probiotic supplement to see if Baby E can tolerate it, too--it has no ingredients other than the acidophilus and other organisms in it.

My naturopath recommended a particular glyconutrient supplement (Ambrotose), but I checked the ingredients and it looks like some of them may be corn- or soy-derived. So I'm going to find out if I can just add some of the whole foods it's derived from, such as aloe and seaweed, to our diet instead. I much prefer eating whole foods rather than taking pills or powders, anyway.

I'm going to do the same protocol myself--it can't hurt, and it would certainly be nice if it would help me to be a healthier and less impacted by allergies. I'd really like to feel better and have more energy.

We're also going to test both Baby E and myself for Candida yeast and bacteria levels. When I was the sickest back in college, I did this test and had astronomically high levels of both. Treating the yeast and bacteria levels and supplementing with a good probiotic and a healthy diet supplying the needed nutrients made a world of difference for me at that time.

I've been wondering for a variety of reasons if I and/or Baby E have a candidiasis issue at least contributing to our symptoms. Especially since I know that was a primary contributing cause to my health problems in the past, it makes sense to look in that direction. We'll at least be able to rule it out, or treat it if necessary.

My naturopath said we should be able to tell within a month if what we're doing is really helping or not. I trust her enough to give just about anything she recommends a try, since I have a longstanding relationship with her and she's helped me so much in the past.

Now I'm off to make some rice pancakes with pear syrup, served with a side of chicken. Tomorrow I think we'll add celery.


Blogger parodie said...

What great news! It sounds like having a plan and knowing that you're taking concrete steps really helps, which makes perfect sense of course. :) Better the devil you know...

I must add that I am incredibly impressed by your ingenuity. Pear syrup? Bare-bones chicken soup?? Brilliant. Your family is lucky to have you!

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I was just telling my mom how I think Adela must be allergic to dust mites b/c I finally washed all of our bedding (including the pillows)... her nose dried up the day after and hasn't started running again! I highly recommend flax oil - the easiest way I've found to get it is just to get the big container of gel tabs from Costco and take 2 w/ every meal... which reminds me, I'm behind! It got rid of my menstrual cramps, dry shins and helps me think!! My sister farmed flax in North Dakota for a while. :-)

Also, my LLL leader takes a pill to kill Candida - she couldn't remember the name, unfortunately. Good luck, my head spins reading your plans for cookin'.

Take care, Colleen

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that your routine is fixing things for both Baby E and you.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might want to think twice about adding aloe to any diet plan. From Medline's survey of available studies on the uses of aloe: "Allergies
People with known allergy to garlic, onions, tulips, or other plants of the Liliaceae family may have allergic reactions to aloe. Individuals using aloe gel for prolonged times have developed allergic reactions including hives and eczema-like rash."

3:39 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Whew, thanks for pointing that out, Phantom. I'll bet the morning glory family (sweet potaoes) would be in that list of potential cross-allergenic reactions as well.

I've never really looked into aloe juice as an internal medicine before, and would definitely have to do some research before taking it or giving it to anyone in my household.

We don't need a laxative, anyway. I knew people drank aloe juice, but didn't know it had that effect.

Liz, thank you. I am feeling encouraged today.

Colleen, dust mite allergy is supposedly the most common environmnetal allergy.

Regarding the flaxseed oil: I actually am going to try just plain ground flaxseed first, to see how Baby E tolerates it. I took Nystatin way back when for the candida, but there are a number of other options also. If we end up needing it, I'm sure my doctor will have some good recommendations.

Parodie, thanks for the compliment. I've decided to start a food and recipe blog geared toward special diets so I can post all these recipes on it.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay to successful diet plans! I'm so impressed with how hard you've worked to make this situation better for your family.

7:39 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, JF!

12:39 PM  

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