I don't understand my child

Thursday's notes: (How am I going to chart this??)
I am again wondering if maybe there is little to no connection (other than the known allergies) between what Baby E eats and her behavior. Today she seemed very affected by sensory things.
2:00-2:35 E awake, nursed, fidgeted and fussed.
Was awake fussing for extended periods every hour or two for the rest of the night; slept restlessly when at all.
8:45 woke up fussy, wanted to nurse. Very grumpy, lethargic, fussy & clingy.
Climbed over pillow and fell off bed before I was fully awake. Hit head (moderately; not terribly hard) on bedside table just as I grabbed at her ankle and broke her fall. Didn't cry for long; didn't like the ice I tried to apply and threw huge tantrum whenever I tried to hold it on her head. Two large purple lumps that went away within a few hours, leaving just a small red mark.
Had very wet diaper, passed lots of gas. Bit of diaper rash; applied rear schmear
Adamantly refused melon; threw tantrum when I tried to put her in high chair.

Very fussy, whiny, clingy, lethargic all morning. Calmed down a bit when watched a video.
Cried sharply when I laid her down to change diaper, but then calmed down.
BM (I'll spare you the detailed description)
Fussy, asked to nurse.
Nursed, got a bit calmer. Wanted me to take off her clothes. I took off all but her diaper. Immediately was much happier. Laughed gleefully when I suggested food.

12:00 Ate some melon, then a little while later had large quantity of spelt noodles, a few pieces of ground veal, refused chinese cabbage raw, ate one bite cooked cabbage but refused more.

Sat in high chair and played while eating. Blew spit bubbles, acted silly. Kept giggling and talking about playing ring around the rosy yesterday, saying "fall down".

Whenever there was a pause her eyes looked tired.
Got down from high chair, played fairly contentedly alone and with others for a while.
1:30 wet diaper. Got upset when I put her clothes on.
I told her it was nap time. Read a story, she reached toward crib. I laid her down and she giggled at Pooh Bear, laid down and smiled at me. When I left the room she cried for less than a minute.
5:00 woke up crying
Poopy diaper. (Again, I'll spare you the details. Neither BM today was what I would consider normal)
Cried a lot.
5:45 cheered up when Daddy came home; stayed with Daddy while older girls and I went out.
He reported she was happy for the most part but required Daddy's full attention and involvement.
Wet diaper
Ate spelt noodles (lots), cooked hamburger, tiny bit of zucchini
9:20 we got home, she was excited; laughed and held her arms out to me, nursed, then didn't want me to leave her for a moment for the rest of the evening. Screamed if I tried to leave the room without her.
Had sliced raw Bartlett pear; ate it happily and was fine being in high chair. Wanted down when done.
Intense mood; frenetically cheerful when being entertained, screaming when not.
Very high activity, excitable and laughing a lot. Standing with head on floor and bottom in air, laughing at us upside down. Standing up, then shrieking and throwing herself down, tumbling and laughing like crazy. My attempt to calm her down and get her to stop had no effect.
Hit head on wood strip at bottom of couch, right across left eye.
Cried hard for a few minutes, but not for long. Loved crushed ice; held on head for a bit then wanted to feel and play with it.
Sat in high chair and played with ice for a long time, feeling it and saying "hot", taking it and sliced pears in and out of sandwich bag and feeling them. Fell asleep in high chair around 11.
Woke up when we tried to put her to bed; screamed hard. Nursed. Played for quite some time again. Shook head "no" and started crying if I mentioned bed.
Nursed, fell asleep in my arms. Woke up screaming when I moved.
Lethargic and quiet, tired, fussy. I think she fell asleep at least once then woke up again. Wanted me to rub her tummy and feet, said "ow". I asked her if something hurt and she pointed to her tummy and then her foot, then started pulling at her pajamas and grunting like she wanted me to take them off. Was also rubbing teeth. I gave ibuprofen in yogurt. Changed her diaper (barely wet) and checked her feet.
Perked up. Crazy-happy for another 3 hours. Played hard, laughed, seemed wired. I let her eat about 5 mini (tiny!) chocolate chips. (I know, very bad idea since she was already wired.) Attempted to put her in crib; screamed frantically.
Nursed again, fell asleep while nursing. I laid her down in bed; she woke up screaming hard, took quite some time to calm down.
Became wired again, extremely active and giggly.

At 2:30 am I finally told her it was time to go to bed. She excitedly went to the gate, then upstairs to her room, reached up at the changing table. I changed her diaper, which was wet.
We read a couple of books, then I told her it was time to go to sleep. She started screaming.
I took off her yellow pajamas and put the softest, most comfortable clothes on her I could find. I changed her bed to clean jersey knit sheet. Took bumper out of crib. I was trying to make all sensory input as comfortable and soothing as possible. Turned off white noise (ocean waves) CD that usually plays in her room.

3 am Put her in crib and told her to lay down, which she did, then started screaming. I told her goodnight, hugged her and left the room, since she was screaming just as badly when I stayed by the crib and tried to calm her or tried to rock her to sleep.
High-pitched extremely intense screaming for about 10 minutes, then abruptly quiet.
I think that it might be dry skin due to the season change. Do you have any lotion she's not allergic to? Try some of that.
Alternatively, did you recently change detergents or soaps or anything like that?
Alternatively, alternatively, is it too warm for her?
And finally alternatively, you might want to try cutting out the neck and wrists of a loose cotton tee and see if it's the constriction that's driving her crazy.
Oh, PK, you're trying, and you're doing as good a job as anyone could do. But this isn't easy. I'm sorry -- I don't even know enough to make the suggestions that Liz did.
One thought: could she possibly be teething? My daughter ha been known to spend MONTHS pushing a tooth out. Often the week or so before the it pops through, she's really fussy in some of the ways you mentioned--pulling off her clothes and diaper, alternately eating huge amounts of food or nothing at all, seeming totally content with life until I try to put her down for a nap, then she screams for what seems like hours (usually no more than 15 minutes until I can't stand it and take her out).
Also, I just wanted to tell you that you are doing an incredible job as a mother. Baby E, AJ, and M&M could not ask for a more involved, loving mom than you. Make sure you give yourself some of the grace you shower so well on your family.
Liz, thanks for the ideas. I think she may be too warm. Her skin isn't dry, but I think I'll try giving her a massage with some safe oil anyway. We haven't changed anything recently, but again this kind of behavior is nothing particularly new.
The hatred of clothing is nothing new. The surest way to make her happy is to take off all her clothes.
Jane Dark, thank you.
Amy, it could be teething, except that the fussiness and poor sleep have been pretty constant for 14 or 15 months now. :)
I can't remember if anyone has brought this up, but have you looked into Sensory Processing Disorder (also known as Sensory Integration Disorder)?
My neighbor's step-daughter suffered from this and some of your descriptions are starting to sound eerily familiar (although this kid was 6 or 7).
a. borealis, several people have actually suggested that, including the allergist. But I don't know . . . Baby E isn't that much different from me and the older two girls in that area.
Hello Purple Kangaroo. I found you through Phanton Scribbler and have been reading your archives. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I was going to make the suggestion Liz made about laundry detergent or something else bothering her skin...
Baby E is adorable shirtless in her little highchair!
Hi, Swissmiss. Thanks for stopping by!
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