Since I haven't used a bulleted list for a while . . .
- Baby E had another green day yesterday, with short periods of yellow.
- My sister Sparrow came over for lunch. She taught Baby E how to sign "please" and played Ring-Around-the-Rosy with the kids. We had so much fun.
- I made faux potato chips out of lotus root and baked taro root last night. Baby E didn't like the taro chips (I think I sliced them too thick and cooked them too much).
She absolutely loved the lotus root chips. They were very good if I do say so myself. She ate a huge quantity (seriously, she grabbed the serving plate and went at them) and was very disappointed when they were gone and she had to settle for chicken.
That is huge, because for the last few weeks she's been unwilling to eat much of anything but chicken and grapes (and once, melon, but that hasn't been repeated) in any quantity of more than a few bites. - Baby E has been squarely in an orange (level 3) mood since last night. She was up every hour or two, fussy and uncomfortable, all night, and had a lot of trouble sleeping even when she wasn't crying.
- I think the older girls and I are in orange moods too.
- Baby E fell off the bed this morning and hit the bedside table. Since she bruises easily in any circumstance, she now has two large purplish lumps on her head. We've had several battles over the ice so far, and another is about to ensue.
- Children's videos are a gift from above on days like this. Seriously.
- I'm hoping to upload the color-coded charts I've made for November and October and post them on my blog today. My goal is to get at least 6 months' worth done before our pediatrician appointment on Monday. We'll see how far I get.
- Several people have asked if there's anything they can do to help. The color-coding I'm doing is something only I can do (especially since I'm using a variety of sources like my own notes, memory and things I've written other places, as well as the blog).
But there is something people could help with, if anyone is so inclined. I need to go through and make notes about any specific details such as foods eaten, BMs, or unusual symptoms like rashes on a given day. That's something others could help with, if they wanted to take a week of blog posts to sift through and take notes on. I'll write more about that when I upload the charts I've completed so far. - One thing I did like about the GI specialist we saw: When I told him about Baby E's strange bowel movements, he said "That's interesting" exactly like Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Carribean. So now whenever I change her diaper and there's a strange BM I think, "That's interesting."
- I rolled over in bed last night and my wedding ring flew off my hand. It's constantly sliding almost off my finger before I catch it. I'm worried it's going to end up in a drain one of these days. Does anyone know of a not-too-tacky way to keep a too-big ring on your finger? Or will I be consigned to wearing it on a chain around my neck until I can stop losing weight?
- What's with all these leg cramps, heart palpitations and dizzy/weak spells? Oh yeah, could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that I'm 101 lbs and dropping (to my great frustration)? And probably deficient in all kind of nutrients given our current diet.
- Which means I probably need to actually figure out how to find a new doctor. Since my own doctor refuses to see me, after I made an appointment and waited for ages to see her.


Ah, the ring down the drain! There are a couple non-tacky things I've seen: a ring guard, which is a little bar of metal that goes across the inside, and can be removed- most jewelers can put them on for not very much; also the jeweler can solder little knobs into the inside so it sticks better, but I think this works best if it's only a little too big.
Good luck.
Sign me up to help! Let me know what week(s) I should take. And what I'm looking for! :)
I think your orange mood is hitting us here too. My daughter was up for 3 hours overnight fussing, and she's been clingy and cranky and fussy and won't eat all day. Ugh. How do you manage this on a regular basis?
I second the ring guard. I've seen them in metal and plastic. You may even be able to pick one up at a jewelery counter at Wal-mart or someplace like that.
In the meanwhile, what about a string or rubber band wrapped around the inside of the ring (the part that is on the palm-side of your hand)?
Did your GI specialist slur when he said that? :)
Wax inside the ring? Wrap some cellophane around the palm side? Please keep in mind I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Would a multi-vitamin and mineral help your nutrient needs? Healthy fats? Heart palpitations worry me.
JF, thanks for the ideas.
Amy, I'll be setting up a post soon with instructions and a way for you to claim a week of posts to go through.
Kevin, I don't think he slurred but he did the head-moving thing. I'm not sure if what I'm experiencing are technically heart paliptations, actually. It just feels like my heart is beating kind of hard and fast in my throat, especially if I go up the stairs quickly or get up suddenly.
I'm going to buy some flaxseed oil and work on finding a multivitamin and mineral supplement I can take today.
Way up at the start of this blog you included a reference to "My sister Sparrow" and included a link. You'd better re-check that link. It's someone who says they can see the future, once were Catholic, and obsess about bird flu.
Thanks, B . . . you're right, I left the number 10 out of the URL. It's fixed now. :)
I wish I could take a week, but I'm swamped with school work. If you have some left, I can do several weeks worth during my Winter break.
And I love, love, love that first picture.
Seeing the girls dancing together makes me want to have another baby. Siblings must have so much fun together!!
I had fun with ya'll the other day! :-D Oh, and I link to the wrong blog all the time, ha. That pesky 10. ;-)
I wish I could help sort through your blogs, but I would do better taking out about FIVE things from my schedule rather than adding one in. ;-) Glad you've got the other Amy to help, tee hee.
I've put tape around the back of my ring when it's too loose. But then, that's kinda tacky (pun intended).
Yes, I'm in a wacky mood. I guess that's what happens after a day like mine.
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