Saturday, September 15, 2007

I forgot to say last night . . .

. . . that when I talked to the GI specialist's nurse, she told me that they weren't the right people to call when a quick response was needed. She said that if I was worried about Baby E or something seemed serious, like her severe mucousy diarrhea this week, that I should call the primary care physician or take her to the emergency room. I shouldn't leave a message with the GI specialist and expect them to call me back right away.

So now I know. (They are the specialists, after all--I guess maybe they don't really deal with day-to-day issues, but more the big picture?)


It just seemed that the gastroenterology people would be the logical doctors to call, since they are the ones dealing with Baby E's GI issues and who had given me the advice to cut out fruits, sugars and dairy. It was their advised dietary change that seemed to provoke this issue. If I went about it wrong or fed her the wrong things in attempting to follow their advice, they're the ones who would need to tell me. What is the pediatrician supposed to do--tell me how to implement the GI specialist's advice, or advise me to stop doing what the GI specialist said to do?

Of course, if it was actually a virus (which it could be) the pediatrician would be the logical person to call.

I guess I should have called the pediatrician to see what to do about the diarrhea, and then the GI specialist to give them an FYI about the results of my attempt at following their advice? But then, when I've called the pediatrician's office in the past about GI issues and asking advice about what to feed her during severe diarrhea (even from a virus), they've told me to call the GI specialist.

This would be so much easier if we just had one doctor taking care of everything. Sometimes it feels like seeing specialists mainly results in being shuffled back and forth from one doctor to another while they all say it's not their area of expertise and I should talk to someone else about it.

Baby E does have diarrhea this morning, but it is much better than it was.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you don't need them on speed dial!
Best wishes

7:21 PM  

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