Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cute Stuff

This afternoon Ebee decided she was going to color one of her teeth purple with a crayon so she could have a "loose tooth" too. She actually told M&M her plan before she did it, so I was able to convince her that coloring her tooth purple wouldn't make it loose, and that putting crayons in her mouth was a bad idea anyway.

AJ and M&M spent a long time after school this afternoon making journals and valentines for everyone in the family.

AJ left a lacy heart next to my bed inscribed with the words "Your secret admirer: Will you be my Valentine?" Amazingly enough, she spelled every single word correctly. Not bad for a 7-year-old just starting 2nd grade. :)

M&M made the cutest teeny-tiny heart with yellow scallops all around the edge, with the words "I love you" just the right size to put in my pocket.

And Ebee wrote in purple crayon all over a piece of purple paper, and gave it to me. She said she made me a purple card because it matched my clothes. (I was wearing purple today.)

Mira was antsy and wanting something to do even after our walk tonight, so I had her help the kids pick up their toys. I'd point to a toy and have her pick it up, then point to the correct bin and tell her to "put it in the bin". It only took showing her what "put it in the bin" meant 2 or 3 times before she got it, and she was so excited when she did it right.

She helped pick up a whole bunch of toys and she LOVED IT, and so did the kids.

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Blogger Sparrow said...

Hey, a dog that does chores, love it! Hehe. Remember, we taught Rebel how to pick up his own toys. We should have kept going and taught him how to clean our bedrooms. :-p

The Valentines sound cute. :-)

11:53 AM  

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