Friday, August 14, 2009

Busy summer

Well, I do still have at least one reader left despite my rare and sporadic postings. Thank you, dear Liz, for the prompt.

Hopefully now that the summer is almost over, I'll be able to start posting a bit more now that we'll be getting back into a regular routine.

Our summer has been quite full, with swimming lessons, family gatherings, continued work on decluttering, shopping for curriculum and planning the upcoming school year, church activities, dog training, a 5-day trip to the coast to celebrate our 10th anniversary (sans kids and pets), a rabbit show, and now the county fair.

If you're in the area and visit the fair, do look for my kids' posters in the rabbit barn. AJ's has a rainbow heading with the words "Rainbow Rabbits" and labeled photos (most of which she took herself) of various rabbit varieties. M&M's has the heading "What can I eat?" with a photo of Snowball, our dark-eyed white rabbit, and labeled pictures that she drew of various foods, with the ones rabbits aren't supposed to eat crossed out with a red circle and slash mark. Both are on blue poster board.

I'm still working on trying to pace myself and learn how to manage so that I can find the best balance of diet, rest and activity in order to avoid flare-ups and function well. I'm hoping a trip to the chiropractor this afternoon will be helpful in controlling pain levels.

NLASS the college student is still living with us, and I find that it helps immensely to be able to schedule in afternoon naps a couple of times a week while she keeps an eye on the kids, as well as the extra help with things like dinner preparation several times a week. DH and I have been able to go on dates almost every week, too, which is lovely.

I plan to make a post soon telling about the great (free!) American History curriculum we plan to use this year, and I owe Becca Sue a few posts on parenting issues.

I hope everyone is having a great summer!



Blogger Madeleine said...

It's great to hear from you. That sounds like a fun summer. Five days at the coast all to yourselves! Lovely.

We had two weeks sans kid this summer, when she went to sleep-away camp. But we both ended up working most of the time. It was relaxing anyway, with less responsibility for someone else's needs.

11:00 AM  
Blogger kathy a. said...

sounds like a good summer!

8:14 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...


1:29 PM  
Blogger Rach said...

Hi! I haven't checked out my old regular blogs for the longest time! I also haven't blogged for ever! I really need to get back into it, so I thought I'd come by and see who's still around for some inspiration!

Good to see you're still here! Take care


8:02 AM  

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