Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Frozen Food Fiascos

Another fast-food customer found a finger in his food--but this time it wasn't a scam. Clarence Flowers found a piece of a finger in his chocolate frozen custard. An employee at the restaurant had just lost the finger while manning the machine, and while other employees were assisting him, the person working the drive-through (who somehow didn't know what was going on???) scooped custard out of the bucket he had been handling to fill Flowers' order.

This raises several questions: First of all, how could the drive-through employee have been unaware of the situation? Why was the bucket with the custard and finger in it left in the food-handling area instead of being moved? And, most compellingly, why in the world would anyone fill an order by scooping soft-serve out of a random bucket filled by someone repairing the machine instead of getting it out of the custard-dispensing machine, anyway? That doesn't sound exactly sanitary to me even if there hadn't been a finger in it.

The restaurant has been shut down, and I expect there will be some serious questions about their food-handling practices before they are allowed to open again.

On another note, a sinister story involving an ice-cream man has emerged in Brazos Couty, Texas. Roberto Martinez Sanchez, an 18-year-old selling ice cream from his bicycle, talked kids into holding dry ice in their bare hands. Of course it burned them. One boy had second-degree burns after Sanchez held his hand shut around the dry ice for 30 seconds--including one blister almost as large as his hand.

"Sanchez admitted he made an error in judgment but insisted to police that he at no time forced the children to participate in the incident, police said."

"This is just a strange situation," said Officer Walt Melnyk, spokesman for the Bryan police department. "I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. The fact remains this was a precarious situation that he put these children in, and they were hurt."

He didn't mean any harm???? Obviously he knew the dry ice would burn the kids' hands. He knew it had to be handled with gloves for safety, and I can assure you he wasn't doling it out with his bare hands or holding it in his own hand for 30 seconds at a time.

"Here, kid, take this paperclip and stick it in that little hole in the wall--this will be fun! --Oh, but I didn't mean any harm."

I have a hard time imagining that any adult who hurts or scares little kids for the fun of it "doesn't mean any harm"--and whether they do or not, I sure don't want them running loose in MY neighborhood "not intending harm" anywhere near my kids.

I hope this guy gets a harsh penalty instead of a slap on the wrist. Right now he's being held over immigration issues even though he's paid his $8,000 bail bond on the two counts of injury to a child.


Blogger Kevin said...

IIRC, there's lots of fun things that can be done with dry ice. Holding it in your hand is not one of them. :) Strange story.

1:31 PM  

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