Thursday, June 23, 2005

Stay, Baby!

I've been having this odd stomach/abdominal pain this afternoon/evening. After a couple hours of "boy, my stomach kind of hurts . . . oh, it's better now" I realized it was coming and going with some regularity. 2 or 3 of them were really identifiable contractions. After a call to my midwife and a half-hour lying down and drinking water, it hasn't gone away so we're headed to the L & D room at the hospital to be evaluated. Hopefully it's just my tummy hurting or something like that. :)

Please send us some baby-stay-put thoughts and prayers. We want her to stay where she is for a couple more weeks or so since the due date is still 4 weeks away.

[Update: Well, I was actually having some contractions but as long as I stay off my feet and take it easy they're not frequent or intense. All the other signs look good for my body preparing for labor in a few weeks but not immediately. So I'm just supposed to take it easy and not overdo it. Thankfully my BIL and SIL (brother/sister-in-law) are here for the rest of the week so I'll have someone else around during the day as well as a cousin the kids' age to entertain them.]


Blogger Liz Miller said...

I'm thinking nice glue-y, staple-y, tape-ish thoughts.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Baby E is staying right where she should for now. :) My second was born at 36 weeks according to my doctor, but only 10 days early according to MY calculation of the due date (we had an ongoing argument of the 'real' due date - I had small babies so the ultrasounds always put my girls a few weeks behind on the gestation growth charts). She's a beautiful and active 18-month old now, and I'm sure with God in control Baby E will be healthy and ready to see her mommy and daddy once the time comes!

4:05 PM  

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