Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The kids seem to be feeling good, anyway :)

It's 9:15 a.m. here and the girls actually let us sleep until almost 9. I had a few contractions during the night but not much.

It was a very restless uncomfortable night, but I did sleep quite a bit. The main thing is that I feel absolutely miserable with this cold. It feels like it's trying to turn into a full-blown sinus thing, complete with cough. I feel a bit like I got hit by a train.

Nothing much seems to be happening on the baby front . . . at the moment I'm trying to decide whether to let DH go back to work or ask him to stay home and take care of the kids to let me rest just because I feel so sick. :( My main concern is trying to get well enough before the baby is born so that I'm not exposing her to a fairly serious respiratory illness in the first days of her life.

If I had a "regular" job I'd call in sick, but I can manage with the girls if I need to, and DH doesn't want to take any more time off work before the baby comes than he absolutely has to. So I'll probably send him back to work until it looks like it's actually nearing time to go to the hospital--which by the looks of things could be today or next week.


Blogger Liz Miller said...

Fingers crossed for you to feel better before the baby makes an appearance.

Glad you don't seem to be handing it off to your girls!

11:45 AM  

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