Monday, July 25, 2005

Well, something might possibly be starting to happen here

I've been feeling kind of "crampy" with lots of pressure today. Now I'm having mild, but gradually increasing in intensity contractions every 3-7 minutes. The midwife is having us go into the hospital to see if anything's actually happening here. If it's anything like my other two births they'll send us home and we'll have the baby tomorrow or another day, LOL.

I am feeling a bit better today. My mom says she had a really bad cold when she gave birth and labor/delivery made it go away. :)


Blogger Running2Ks said...

That is exactly what I posted in the comments before--BOTH KIDS--thought I had a flu or something, then bam labor (water broke both times). I will you a speedy and happy labor and a beautiful baby :)

5:00 PM  

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