Sidecar Crib
DH came home from work early yesterday and got it all set up.
A crib sidecar:

We still have to get a bed bridge to put between the two mattresses and do a little work on it, and move some more furniture around, but it looks like it's going to work great! Baby will be close to us and easy to feed at night, but not actually in our bed except when she's nursing.
The sidecar crib setup is just a regular crib with one side removed. We set the crib mattress to be the same height as the mattress on our bed.
We didn't end up using a bed bridge. The white thing you see next to the crib bars is a toddler bed rail--designed to attach to a regular bed to keep young kids from falling out. It has a strap that we ran underneath both the crib mattress and the queen bed mattress, and it's anchored to the other size of the queen bed. That holds the two mattresses together firmly enough that we don't need anything else.
The important thing for safe co-sleeping is that the two mattresses are anchored snugly against each other at the same height, with no gaps between them.
It's been two months since the baby's birth at the time of this update, and the setup is working beautifully for us. I thought I'd add this information since people are finding this post by searching for "sidecar crib" or "crib sidecar". I hope it's helpful to someone!]
looks like a great set-up! I love the idea of getting the baby used to the crib.
What a great idea! I'd never have thought of that :)
this is a great idea! I would like to do it but am afraid my crib would collapse... hmmm
wonder if I could do it...
We have a side car set up four our 15 month old. We've been using it for about 8 mos and love it! He's sleeping "with" us, but it gives us all more room and hubby and I have our own space.
We have that very same crib- I've never seen anyone else have it! I hadn't thought of the toddler rail before as solution! Thanks for posting this! I love our sidecar!
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I successfully used your sidecar idea with both of my kids. I have also passed this link along to other moms. And I just realized I never thanked you -- so thank you!
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