The long-awaited photos
Baby E and me just before we left the hospital:

More . . .
Look at those chubby cheeks!

Those last two pics were taken the day she was born.
Here she is at a day old:

Going home at 2 days old:

And at three days, asleep in her crib at home:

Today we had our postpartum visit at the hospital. At 4 days old, Baby E has already gained 4 ounces from her official hospital birth weight (she'd gained weight before we even left the hospital!) and now weighs 9 lbs. 1 oz.
Yesterday and today she was awake for quite a while in the morning and afternoon, and last night she slept all night except for feedings every 1-3 hours during the night. She's very quiet and alert when awake, and has even smiled randomly a few times. Twice she's broken into a big grin and actually laughed in her sleep. I can't wait until she starts doing that while she's awake.
Most beautiful baby. What a healthy little girl!
Thanks for posting the great pictures. That is one chubby baby! For a second I thought she looked like her sister M, then the next picture was very much like her daddy. I know she'll change every day. Can't wait to meet her in person in a few weeks! Love, Aunty R.
How gorgeous! :) Thank you so much for putting these up. She looks great. So sweet!
So sweet! I love her little cap.
She is so cute! I love the chubby cheeks! I can't believe she is just born in those pictures, though, she looks so perfect.
What a sweet little pumpkin! She is just so precious.
AW! How cute is she?! I *love* baby pictures! You almost make me want to have another one! Nah....
She is beautiful! Babies everywhere (My friends have had babies 7/26, and on 8/4 in addition to yours and we have one more expectant friend due this week!)
She is well worth all that waiting she made us do! Beautiful job! I am glad to hear of both Mom and Baby settling in well.
Oh, she's soooo beautiful! And you're right, she doesn't look like a newborn. So adorable.
This makes me want another baby.
I just love newborns.
She is just beautiful.
This makes me want another baby.
I just love newborns.
She is just beautiful.
Aww, she's adorable! I can't wait to meet her. I hope you are feeling well! Congratulations on your new little girl and your blue ribbon at the fair!
She's so gorgeous, PK! I guess the advantage of going late is that she doesn't have that smushed new baby look!
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