I always enjoy getting together with her. Sometimes we'll just talk, sometimes we'll do something like bake, do the dishes or play a game. She usually fits right in to what we're doing. I never feel like I have to "entertain" her or try to be someone I'm not with her. My kids love her and she interacts very well with them. She has no children of her own, so my kids treat her like an honorary aunt. They call her "Morning."
She helped me with the eye meme a few months ago, and we took a picture of her eyes in the process too. They are lovely eyes--deep, thoughtful brown eyes. Like the rest of her face, they mirror her thoughts and reveal much of her personality.

She's informed me that while here today she'd like to help by cleaning my kitchen floor. And, she just called to say she's stopping at the store and asked what she could pick up for me.
I'm thanking God for friends like her.
And, since I know you'll be reading this . . . thanks, "Morning." :) You totally made my day. And your friendship is one of the great treasures of my life. I only hope I can bless you as much as you bless me.
Thank goodness! She sounds like a really nice person, and you definitely have earned a little help. I hope you two can have a nice visit.
Yay, Morning!!!!!!
Have a lovely visit, you guys.
What an awesome friend. And a great nickname too :)
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