Smiles and spaghetti squash

Somebody was in a much better mood today. Guess who?
Three little girls and Mommy too!
To rephrase an old saying, "If Baby isn't happy, nobody's happy." That was yesterday.
Baby E didn't scream all day today. In fact, other than a quite normal level of fussing she seemed pretty happy. She grinned adorably at me and the girls several times, but could I catch it on camera? Noooo.
She was, however, ravenous all day long--which leads me to wonder if she's having a growth spurt and increasing her nutritional needs. Wait a minute; her entire life so far has been one humongous growth spurt. She weighed in at 10 lbs. 12 oz. on my postal scale today.
Baby E didn't go to sleep until about 3 a.m. last night, and then was up at 6 a.m. fussing until I finally dozed off with her on my chest. But she seemed to feel much better today. She even sat happily propped up and watched while the two older girls and I made a game out of picking up the family room.
We found several toys and activities we hadn't used for a while, and I had fun teaching the girls how to thread shoelaces through little sewing cards. Last time we tried that activity they got frustrated, but today it seemed to be at just the right level for them.
I even got to doze off for a few minutes this afternoon while Baby E napped and AJ and MM had quiet time. And, I got an eBay auction listed for the first time in ages. Overall, it was a rather peaceful and pleasant day, despite my being very tired.
Oh, by the way, I have to put in a plug for one of my favorite vegetables: spaghetti squash.

It's very easy to prepare. You just puncture the skin and bake it whole at 375 degrees or microwave at full power (turning every few minutes to cook evenly) until tender, then cut it in half the long way, remove the seeds and scrape out the flesh with a fork. It comes out in strings that look a lot like spaghetti but taste (in my opinion) even better.
Spaghetti squash is good with a little butter and sugar/maple syrup or salt and pepper on it. But I like it best under marinara sauce, which is how we ate it tonight. Much healthier than boring old seminola pasta, too--low in fat and high in Vitamin A.
What a beautiful face!!!
Yes, a beautiful face...and a beautiful post. It seemed so peaceful - even with only three hous of sleep.
Thanks for the tips on spaghetti squash. I have always sliced, then baked. It's never quite right. I'll try it again next week.
What do you sell on ebay? I've been thinking of doing so, but it seems horribly intimidating.
Adorable. And I absolutely love spaghetti squash (with sour cream)
PK, this is a fantastic coincidence! I actually purchase spaghetti squash this week and I've been eyeing it dangerously and not knowing what to do with it! Lots of people have told me it is delicious, but I think I am going to try your directions tonight! Hurray!
And Baby E is a beauty!
I can't let my wife's adulation of spaghetti squash stand without at least entering an objection. I ate a serving of spaghetti-squash-spaghetti last night... until I noticed some leftover normal pasta sitting at the other end of the table. Blessed relief! Spaghetti squash, in both flavor and texture, is definitely inferior to pasta... imho. :)
Thanks, Shelley and everyone else!
Rowan, you can slice it first and cook it face-down in an inch or so of water. But that leaches out some of the minerals, and I always figure why do something the hard way when you can do it the easy way? I cook pumpkin whole, too.
I sell mostly clothing and dolls, but a little bit of everything, really. I used to be a powerseller but have really cut back to the point of almost nothing this year.
R2Ks, I've never tried it with sour cream. That sounds good!
Halloweenlover, have fun trying your spaghetti squash. You'll have to let us know how it turns out. If it's not quite done enough once you slice and shred it, you can always pop it in the microwave to soften it up a bit more.
Mark, that's exactly why I always provide seminola pasta along with the spaghetti squash for you people in the family who like to eat boring food. :)
Glad to hear you all had a nice day. :) Baby E is adorable.
LOL thinking about you weighing her on your postal scale.
It's a big UPS-grade package scale that goes up to 70 lbs, not one of those little dinky ones. :) I feel stupid. I missed the rest of the post. I hadn't noticed the "read more" part and thought the post was just the picture...
She is still beautiful though, and am glad she wasn't fussy today.
Have never tried spaghetti squash or any squash for that matter I don't think...I don't think it'll be something I try anytime soon though lol...but who knows.
Michelle, I think squash is similar to cucumber in that it doesn't really get riper--just bigger. You can probably pick it any time.
I love spaghetti squash! In fact, I love every kind of squash, summer and winter. We usually have spag. squash with tomato sauce, but sour cream sounds sooooo good!
The thing is (Mark!) you won't like spaghetti squash if you're expecting pasta. Just love it and appreciate it for its own sake. :)
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