Baby E has her first cold

Baby E officially has her first illness.
What started out as a mild cold is becoming more severe for myself and Baby E. The older girls still just have mild runny noses, and that seems to be going away, thankfully. But Baby E is stuffed up enough that it's having a substantial effect on her nursing and she has a hard time breathing through her nose.
I really hope it doesn't get worse. She is sleeping a lot and I'm nursing her as often as she'll take it, so I hope that will help. My cold is moving down into my chest and turning into a cough, so E and I will stay home from our small group get-together this afternoon.
I hate being sick and having sick kids.
Oh yuck. I'm sorry to hear you and E have gotten the cold so bad.
Feel better soon! :)
I hope you're all better soon!
OH, you have my sympathies. Poor baby. I used to hate it when my kids would get stuffy noses because then it hard for them to nurse, which was their one comfort!
Oh the poor baby! Jackson's allergies is acting up so his nose is bleeding a lot. I have completely lost my voice and it's tightening my throat quite a bit. I totally feel for ya!!
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