Happy 3-month Birthday, Baby E

Baby E is 3 months old today.

She is holding her head and upper body up with ease. She tries very hard to crawl or roll over--she wants so badly to be mobile and communicative. I think she's teething; she chews on everything and drools a river lately.

Here she is modeling her new cloth diapers and proraps. I'm so happy with the change to cloth so far. The cloth diapers are much softer and more aesthetically pleasing, which I didn't really expect. I actually enjoy washing and folding them and putting a clean one on her.
She seems to like them just fine, although a wet diaper bothers her more with the cloth--which just means we notice more quickly when she's wet.

We got a great price on seconds from Pro Diaper on ProRaps and some really nice diaper service quality prefolds, and added some flat diapers and a Bummi Super Whisper Wrap to try also. The Bummi is a bit softer than the proraps, and the inside is fabric rather than PUL (polyurethane laminate), which is softer but can't be as easily wiped clean, and seems like it would stain more easily. Both seem to work equally well. We haven't had any blowouts or leaking through with the prefold cloth diapers, and we were having those problems constantly with the disposables.
I ordered the Bummi wrap, a snappi and some Baby Bits for making wipe solution from Granola Babies, and was happy with the products and service. They were having a 15% off sale and free shipping. I was also thrilled with my experience buying a pair of snappis, fleece diaper liners and a few other things from Abby's Lane, with free (and fast) shipping and excellent service. She was just about to start a new 10% off promotion, so the owner of Abby's Lane actually refunded me 10% of my payment!

I highly recommend the Snappi fasteners instead of pins with the cloth diapers. They make it so easy, and keep the diaper snugly in place inside the wraps. We have had no leaks so far using the snappi/cover combination, even at night without doubling diapers.
The whole setup cost us the equivalent of just a few months' worth of disposable diapers, especially with getting prorap seconds for $4 each from the manufacturer (they're seconds because they had a smudge of dirt on them!). I'm very pleased.
On another note, I wanted to share the sculptures the older girls made yesterday.

They are porcupines made of dry spaghetti and beads with a playdough base. Actually, MM's is a "porky-pine" and AJ's is a "prickly-pine." AJ thinks they must eat prickles to make themselves prickly.
Happy 3 month birthday! She is so pretty!
Thanks for all of the cloth diaper information. We are considering that for the coming baby.
Their sculputures are wonderful.
Thanks, CCW. I just added a bit more info. about where I purchased the diapers for you.
I wouldn't have thought of buying diapers from ProService instead of getting Chinese or Indian prefolds, but I saw a good review of them on diaperpin.com and took the chance. I'm really happy with them so far, and the seconds were only $16.50 a dozen for Premiums--an amazing price. I guess they don't get seconds on the diapers as often as the wraps, but their normal prices are decent too.
Aww...what a beautiful little girl she is!! I don't think I'd like cloth diapers though...I'd be too paranoid of them.
The girls' sculptures are great! They must be very proud of them!
Thanks for the additional information. I have been saving your posts with the diaper reviews so that we can make an informed decision.
I will admit though, I love the idea, but am a little afraid because it seems difficult to get the hang of everything.
Ah, the third child. Always wants to do everything the big kids can do, and wants to be able to do it NOW! They walk early, they talk early (unless an elder sibling does all the talking for them) and they get into everything!
And for some reason, it always seems like they're of a sunny disposition. I've always said Daughter was my reward for not killing the first two ;-)
Camera Obscura, you got lucky with your #3. My #3 didn't talk or walk until 16 months (the girls really did want to do everything for him, which probably contributed), loves to put things in his nose, and likes to protest about changing diapers, getting dressed, getting out of his high chair, getting in the car... He is extremely cute, though. Wouldn't trade his messy, sweaty, squawking little self for anything, though.
Happy 3monthirthday Baby E! What a cutie pie. Those diapers look gorgeous on you, Baby E.
Love the sculptures, too.
Cloth diapers are actually quite easy to handle and to get the hang of, Shelly and CCW. I'd be happy to share the tips and methods I've gleaned if you want them. Maybe I'll do a post with a "cloth diapering tutorial." :)
Camera and Allison, I've had a lot of people tell me that third children are this way or that way, but I think all kids have their own distinct personalities. I sure wouldn't be surprised if Baby E tries to keep up with her sisters, though . . . MM certainly did everything early trying to catch up with AJ.
Thanks, WW and R2Ks. I am enjoying Baby E and my other girls a lot. I think this is definitely one of the most enjoyable seasons of my life so far.
I'm playing serious catch up here and I'm way late on this...
Happy (belated) 3 month Birthday, Baby E!!!!
The first picture had me going for a second... it looked as though her head was IN that toy and she was looking out of a little window at the camera... I didn't see her laying in the foreground because I was too busy looking at her cute little face! I was thinking,"Oh my goodness! How is she in such a position? And where is the rest of her!?!" LOL! I'm a little slow sometimes. :)
Phew! Boy was I glad when I realized that was a mirror. TOTALLY freaked me out.
You literally made me LOL, Dani! The thought actually occurred to me that it looked a lot like she was peeking out from inside the toy, too.
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