Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Working to protect the . . . rapists?

Planned Parenthood Golden Gate recently posted a letter from a young girl on their website. In that letter, the girl praised Planned Parenthood for keeping her secret and not telling anyone when she was raped at age 11.

The page on the Planned Parenthood GG website [cached version here], which has now been removed after a number of bloggers drew attention to it, read:

Shared Stories:
It Keeps Us Safe

I was raped at 11, by my 17 year old boyfriend. I chose not to tell my parents because I didn't think their involvement would help, that was the right choice for me. Planned Parethood helped me deal with the aftermath of the rape allowing me to deal and cope as best as I could in my own way. I was 14 when I decided to start having sex, the day I made that choice I made an appointment to get birth control pills. I'm 17 now, I've been with my current boyfriend for about two years. During that time i've been HIV and STD tested four times. Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room while my boyfriend gets the results for his HIV test. We love each other so we're responsible and Planned Parenthood helps us to do that.

- name withheld -

People have for a long time been claiming that PP helps to cover up both forcible and statutory rape, but the fact that Planned Parentood would post it on their website is surprising. They are essentially bragging that if a woman (especially a minor) comes in and they know she has been raped, they will help cover it up.

The problem with this [besides that it's against the law] is that it helps rapists get away with it, as well as leaving people like this little girl to "deal and cope as best as [they can in their own way]" without real help. And be raped again.

Planned Parenthood allowed a rapist to get away with and continue this kind of behavior. Because, of course, an 11-year-old who has been raped is certainly mature enough to decide what should happen to her rapist and whether her parents' "involvement would help." If there truly is a case where the girl's parents are abusive, there are ways to protect her. But this doesn't appear to have been that type of situation. And even if the parents should not be involved, that doesn't make it necessary or right to let the rapist get away with no consequences.

If this PP chapter had obeyed the law and made a report to the proper agencies, this letter would never have been written, much less posted on their website.

Here's an article that seems to be fairly balanced about it. The writer has had a basically good opinion of PP in the past and is not a pro-life activist, for those of my readers who would be wondering that. More here.

[Note: I haven't forgotten my intention to follow up on the Planned Parenthood debate here and here (comments here), but then life kind of happened, and then PP and Teenwire revamped their websites and removed some of the things I had mentioned. So I'm not sure what's going to happen with that. I do still plan to eventually post about at least a few of the items.]


Blogger Running2Ks said...

I find this to be incredibly disturbing!

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Golden Gate Planned Parenthood branch is the same one that came out with the "Superhero for Choice" video a few months back. That's the video that shows a superhero representation of the organization's leader giving "safe sex kits" to kids (along with misleading information), killing non-violent abortion protesters, etc. The video can still be seen here, though I think PPGG has removed it from their site.

Quite a reputable organization, eh? A real boon to society. Certainly deserving of all the government moneys that they receive (53% of their funding last year!).

I can only hope the Golden Gate branch isn't representative of Planned Parenthood across the country... but I'd say the chances of that are pretty slim.


3:08 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

R2Ks, me too!

Mark, was that the video that showed a Republican (?) senator stirring a witch's brew, and then the PP representative came along and dumped him into the boiling pot, where he turned into a baby and sank? Or was that a different one?

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're remembering correctly. That's the one.


9:07 PM  
Blogger CalvaryGirl said...

Thank you for bringing this to light, A. It reminds me of what I read earlier from stopliberaljudges.org and their agenda in protecting abortions on demand, but wasn't it recently that somewhere it was said that parents do not have a right to knwo what's going on with their kids?

9:46 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Mark.

Wendy, there is a valid concern about kids who are truly in abusive or dangerous family situations. But there are other ways of dealing with that.

At the present time some states don't require any kind of parental notification or involvement in any case where a minor wants to obtain an abortion--while they can't take a Tylenol on their own at school.

12:06 AM  
Blogger see-through faith said...

Disturbing, phew horrific really

8:41 AM  

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