Another holiday you didn't know existed

Did you know that it's (Inter)National Delurking Week? Yessirree, it's Delurking Week. All the cool bloggers are talking about it, and lots of people are delurking.
No, I didn't make this up. If you click on the image above, you'll find a nifty little post at Paper Napkin explaining it--complete with a selection of banners and buttons for you to post on your own blog.
What's a lurker, you ask? Great question! A lurker is someone who reads a blog without posting a comment . . . someone who lurks in the background, unseen. The writer of the blog doesn't know who you are or that you're there, reading in the shadows (except for that traffic counter thing, but that doesn't tell much).
So, now is the time for all good commenters to come to the aid of the celebration. The idea is that you delurk by posting a comment, any comment (well, anything that's not spam or hateful invectives, preferably) here.
Because we here at the Purple Puzzle Place care. And we like to know who's reading this blog. And we like starting sentences with and. And, we think it's probably pretty silly to be using the collective we when we is just, well, me.
Anyway, I do hope you'll post. Introduce yourself, or not. A comment, a recipe, the title of a book you're reading, a hello, or even just a smiley face would be a great way to delurk. If you care to share how you found this blog, that would be great.
Feel free to bring a snack and any fun raportee you come up with to add to the party. Because a party I'm hoping it will be.
The hot cocoa, carob rice milk (hey, you'd be amazed at how wonderful carob rice milk tastes after several months of no chocolate or dairy products) and apple pie are right over --------> thataway. Dig in!
I sort of like carob chips, myself. They're best if you don't try to fool yourself into thinking they're chocolate.
I prefer to lurk.
I agree with anonymous. No delurking for me. Mwa ha ha.
I can't remember how I found your blog! Maybe I found you at jo(e)'s or Phantom's? Hi.
Happy delurking week!
Speaking of carob chips, they are one of the few things that my dog tango won't eat. He'll sit in our backyard and eat dirt and twigs, but carob is too gross for him to eat.
Interesting, don't you think?
I'm not fond of carob. I've never gotten my head wrapped around the "it's just like..." food things that are supposed to substitute for other things.
I agree; carob is NOT good if you're expecting it to taste like chocolate. But if you're not . . . and you've kind of forgotten what chocolate tastes like anyway . . . it's not bad. It's supposed to have pretty good nutritional value.
Welcome to the commenting party, anonymous, anonymous (Kevin?), and Jezzy! And hello to all you regulars also . . . have some apple pie.
Hmmmm, how I found your blog... Well, I love the color purple and once when I was flying around cyberspace in my nifty cyber-buggie (ooo, wait, I don't need a cyber-buggie, I have wings--scratch that) my Alerter spotted the word purple used TWICE (on the old blog) and I zoomed right in and found a marvelous blog written my a charming lady...
The funny thing is....the people Purple Kangaroo talks about sound awfully familiar...
Just a quick "delurk" (though I do comment sometimes!) Sorry about all the food problems you guys are having. What a drag.
Here is a quick delurk. Hi. Another reader has now left a comment.
Hmmm... don't unsigned anonymous delurkings rather defeat the whole point...? :)
Amy, you're funny.
Kelly, I'm glad to have you here. Thanks for posting.
Anonymous, :-P
Mark, I think the corny, wierd, tongue-in-cheek mood of my post must have brought out the, um, unique-sense-of-humor side of some of my readers? That, or I just attract that type. :)
first-time deluker here
you hit the proverbial nail right on the noggin
you definitely attract 'that type'
have a supercalifragilisticexpealidoceous day
D'oh! Looks like I've missed the week entirely. Most of the time I'm probably a lurker, but for some reason, I didn't recognize myself as such. We at the Lurker Society for the Absent Minded offer this post in apology.
Though that previous post could have been me, since I am silly that way, it probably wasn't me, since I don't recall writing it. :)
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