Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Building immunity, we hope

Amazingly enough, we seem to have somehow found another strain of flu we haven't had yet. At this rate, we should be immune to almost all the flu strains floating around this year pretty soon. :)


Baby E is not the world's best patient. She's fussy, and isn't really interested in eating or sleeping. What she does want is to be held. Not just held, though--oh, no, that would be too easy for a sick and tired Mommy. She wants to be held so that she can see and touch my face. Being able to make eye contact and touch my face with her hands is--for reasons known only to herself--essential to her comfort and security. Her wiggling and squirming attempts to keep an unbroken gaze on my face turns the constant holding into quite a good imitation of an aerobic workout.

She's snuffling, sneezing, coughing and groaning, and I'm doing it right along with her. If my version of the bug is any indication, she probably also has a headache, sore throat, and that all-over-body-ache (a.k.a. hit-by-a-truck) feeling.

All she wants me to do is pay attention to her. All I want to do is rest. But a SAHM (stay-at-home mom) doesn't get to call in sick, and the other two kids are full of energy.

Thankfully, DH has willingly taken over upon entering the house the last few evenings, so I could go to bed. Tonight I got to go to bed at 6:30 and slept for an hour or two before Baby E needed to nurse again.

Right now he's making a run to the store for a humidifier and some decongestant/cough medicine. We had both a warm and a cool humidifier around here somewhere, but I think I got rid of the warm one in a fit of decluttering when I bought the cool one. In the summer, it seemed we didn't need two humidifiers. But in this cold, the idea of showering us with a cool mist seems less than appealing.

DH left and came back, then left again. He got to the checkout and realized he'd left his wallet at home. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that sort of thing.

I'm so thankful for my DH tonight.

I'm also thankful that, for the first time this winter, we were able to go more than a week or two between bouts of illness.

Apparently I shouldn't have noted that fact out loud last week. :)


Blogger Dani said...

Hi PK! No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, although it may seem that way. (I've just cut my internet time down drastically.) I was stopping by to say hello and check in and I'm glad I did. Now I can give my 2 cents on the humidifier vs. vaporizer issue! :) I sell both types. There isn't any medical research that shows either one being more beneficial with respiratory issues. The humidity doesn't make it past the nasal passages anyway. By the time air makes it to the bronchial tubes, your body humidifies it 100% anyway. The humidified air only helps with dried out noses and dry winter skin.

In choosing between the two, safety is the first deciding factor, then your personal comfort. "Warm" mist is very, very hot up close to the unit. The children can burn themselves pretty badly if they put their little hands in the mist close to the output tube. If you put it up high, out of their reach, that won't be an issue. Warm mist is a bit more comfortable than the cool mist units, which is why most people prefer them. Another thing to consider is how much time you want to dedicate to caring for the unit. Warm mist units need to be cleaned more often, and much more thoroughly, as they breed more bacteria internally than the cool mist. There are usually pricier filters in the warm mist vs. the cool. Actually, some cool mist machines now are filter-less or have "lifetime" washable filters. None of the units that I sell require it, but from what I understand, some warm mist machines require the use of distilled water which is a bit pricey.

Personally, I use cool mist. It was what my pediatrician recommended way back when I didn't even know anything about them. Looking back, he probably suggested it because of the safety concerns. Yes, it makes the room a little chilly, which I don't like. What I do like, is that it's pretty low-maintenance. And I'm a bit lazy. ;)

On another note... I'm sorry to hear that you and baby E aren't well. :( My DH has a pretty bad head/chest cold right now, too. Now THAT'S a really bad patient. ugh. :I

I hope you are both feeling better soon! {{{Hugs}}}

8:08 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Hi, Dani! So good to see you again . . . I totally understand the cutting down of internet time.

Thanks for the info. on vaporizers! Our cool mist vaporizer says it must be rinsed out daily and cleaned thoroughly weekly. I haven't read the instructions for this warm one yet, but it uses tap water and salt, I know. DH set it up last night and it works great.

11:09 PM  

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