Sunday, March 19, 2006

A date and lots of conversations.

Some friends from our church small group babysat all three kids for us today so DH and I could go out on a date. What a wonderful gift! Some time soon we'll watch their kids in return. It's great to be part of a community and group of friends like that.

DH and I had a great time eating German food, talking, and shopping at a bookstore. It was so great to just spend some time together and connect. We talked about everything from how to organize our home and make life more manageable, to DH's work and the kids, to what we need to improve in our lives, to how we can have more fun together.


We had a Barnes & Noble gift certificate to spend from my friend the pediatric intern. We shopped for quite a while and finally decided to use it to get a pocket-sized Bible so I don't have to cart my big heavy study Bible around. This one fits perfectly into my diaper bag and is quite light. We'll both use it for our small group meetings, church and other occasions.

All three kids had a great time during the several hours we were gone, even though we forgot to bring the milk I had pumped for Baby E. She reportedly ate two jars of baby food and then some rice cereal. When we got home, she ate another big container of baby food and more cereal--and that was after nursing. She was so excited about the food! Maybe she's been getting frustrated about nursing and waking so much at night because she wants more solids? I haven't been giving her solids at all most days, and certainly not this much.

Baby E's second tooth came in more fully today, and her poor little gums were bleeding. I hope the combination of the Tylenol I gave her and the solid food will help her sleep tonight--she's asleep in her crib now.

AJ and MM had a marvelous time playing with their little friends today. They keep saying they want to go and live at their friends' house.

The girls and I had an interesting conversation over dinner, while DH was away helping his dad set up a projector for church tomorrow.

AJ asked me, "Mom, what's the nicest word in the whole world?"

"I think the nicest word, or at least one of the nicest words, is love." We talked about love for a while.

Then I asked, "What do you think is the nicest word?"

AJ said, "God. I think God is the nicest word."

"That is definitely one of the nicest words. MM, what do you think is one of the nicest words in the world?"

"Please and thank you."

"Yes, those are some of my favorite words too."

"What's one of the worst words in the world?"




"You're right. Those aren't nice words at all."

We also had a great conversation about how much the girls enjoyed playing with their friends today, and what makes a good friend. The girls listed things like sharing, playing together, helping each other, saying nice things, and being kind as traits of a good friend. Then I asked them what they thought made a good mother. They said things like shopping, making food for them, telling them stories, and loving them.

I really enjoy having conversations like that with my kids.

Tonight DH and I worked on cleaning and organizing the house after the kids went to bed. We are having a new babysitter come tomorrow, and the house is definitely in C.H.A.O.S. (can't have anyone over syndrome). We made great progress tonight, but have a lot more to do tomorrow even though it seems we made our goals minimal.

I'm just glad it's getting done--and that I've had the energy to work on it.


Blogger Liz Miller said...

Yay for having a date and having a sitter tomorrow.

Even more yay for having smart, caring, loving girls.

And a super yay for E eating so much. I hope she sleeps well for you.

5:25 PM  
Blogger CalvaryGirl said...

We were going down the road Saturday morning, going over the rules they were expected to go by while staying at their grandparents house for a couple of hours. I was having to prep my 7 yo to stand up for what was right, to his 9 yo cousin. He always gets in trouble when with this cousin (the same one that pushed him off the monkey bars last summer resulting in the broken arm).

We got into the fact his cousin is not taught about God, Jesus, how to be saved, what a Christian is supposed to be like, so forth. Then Jackson says "Mom you know you're really pleasing the Lord talking to be about this stuff..." AWww!!

I then realized, he was my greatest encourager *G*

2:50 PM  
Blogger Sparrow said...

What great conversations! :-D And soooooo happy to hear that MM slept!

4:26 PM  

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