Thursday, March 16, 2006

Early to bed, Early to rise . . . Well, at least we have half of it right.

Last night DH took a shift with Baby E, trying to get her to sleep. We were both very tired today, but thanks to DH I was functional at least for the first half of the day. :)

It was a very good day.

It was my group's turn to bring food to Moms' group this morning, and I got smart this time. I decided not to try to cook something this morning. Instead, I chose to bring items that required very little preparation, all of which could be done the night before.

And, even though it meant only a very few hours of sleep, I set my alarm and got up early enough to get myself and the kids ready without being rushed. We were on time to group for the first time this year (with the exception of the first time I went, when I thought it started at 9:00 and got there at 9:30 just as it was actually starting). It was such a nice feeling to actually be on time (and even a few minutes early!)

I tend to be less stressed and in a better mood when I get up earlier, even when I'm tired. I'm not sure exactly why, but getting up earlier does seem to help my mood and attitude somehow. Plus, I've gotten several things done this week that I've been procrastinating about for months--including sending in some auction estimate requests and other inquiries to various auction houses and museums about the famous Cavalli suit. That makes me feel good.


Today was a craft day, and we did a really fun craft. We made scrapbooks out of lunch-sized paper bags. There were lots of different kinds of paper, stamps, pens, ribbon and other embellishments available to use, and lots of room for creativity. I had a hard time getting started at first, but once I came up with an idea I really enjoyed bringing it together. I only got one spread done, but brought home enough materials to finish the book. When, I don't know, but I can finish it someday. :)

Scrapbooking is a craft I haven't taken up, even though it seems that everyone around me scrapbooks. I tend to think that I don't really need yet another expensive, time-consuming and addictive craft to add to the myriad I already do. But it is a lot of fun. Even more, the way my circle of acquaintances does it, it's a social experience. People have parties and gatherings just to sit around and scrapbook together, sharing supplies and chatting while working on their projects. I've thought about going to these gatherings and working on some other craft, but haven't quite had the chutzpah to do that most of the time.

I've always really enjoyed scrapbooking when I've had a chance to do it using someone else's planning and supplies. I may have to invest in a few supplies of my own.

After the meeting I brought Pixie-Faced Teenager home with me. It had been quite some time since I'd done that, and it was nice to have her come and help again.

Although my house is in desperate need of some cleaning and organization, I had no energy left to work on it with her by that point. I decided it would be more valuable to have PFT babysit while I took a nap. So I did.

It was money very well-spent. There was no way I would have been able to get a nap if she hadn't been here, since Baby E refused to go to sleep until about an hour after it was time for the older girls to be getting up. And after even a couple of extra hours of sleep, I am so much more functional.

The original plan had been that if I was able to get all three kids napping at the same time, PFT would do some housework while we were all resting. But that didn't happen. As I handed over the baby after unsuccessfully trying to get her to take a nap, I told PFT that if she was unable to get anything done other than looking after the baby, that would be perfectly fine.

PFT smiled and said, "Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine. Look how happy she is. Where's the broom, again?"

I must say I was a little gratified to find out that PFT was unable to get much of anything done while caring for the baby. Not that I wish a clingy, high-maintenance child on anyone, but it's somehow nice to know that she acts that way for other people besides just me. PFT did manage to sweep the kitchen floor by putting Baby E down and letting her fuss for several minutes at a time while doing the task in increments. Which is exactly the way I get things done lately--either stealing moments here and there, or doing it with Baby E in my arms or in the sling.

PFT was a little abashed that she wasn't able to get more done while keeping an eye on the kids, but I laughed and assured her that her help with the kids was sufficient. "Now you know why my house looks the way it does," I added.

After taking PFT home, the kids and I went to Costco. We had a good time. It's such a joy to take my kids on outings lately. They are generally cooperative, obedient and cheerful, and it's a delight to be with them when. I had to correct them a few times for doing things like hanging on the cart, but overall they stayed right with me, chatted cheerfully, helped me choose things to buy and behaved admirably. Baby E and the older two girls smiled at everyone.

I was glad to see that my conversations with the older girls about what kind of talk is appropriate with strangers are starting to have an effect. AJ, who generally tells every detail about her life to every stranger she meets
(combined with asking a battery of very personal questions) remembered what I had been trying to teach her. She said hello to people, but otherwise mostly waited for them to initiate conversation. Instead of telling a conglomeration of random and too-personal details about her life, she simply answered the questions people asked her.

I can't even begin to put into words how proud I am of her progress in this area. It's so wonderful to see the kids internalizing things we've talked about.

We really enjoyed our outing and our supper afterwards (fresh sugar snap peas, spinach salad, corn chips, garlic bread and hummus). DH got home just in time to sit and hold the baby while I read the older girls a bedtime story, prayed with them and tucked them in.

Now I'm going to collect Baby E (who has laryngitis today) from DH, who is also sick, and try to get her to go to sleep. Hey, at least I can keep trying.


Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Eh, I need to have that conversation with LG sometime soon. The things he's been telling his preschool teachers! I'm just glad that he doesn't know my checking account number, or his preschool teachers would know it, too.

7:24 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

LOL, exactly!

1:37 AM  

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