9 months old
Her favorite toy at the moment is a plastic hammer. She chews on it and uses it to bang on things, of course.

Today AJ and MM were cuddling on the couch reading books.


Baby E, of course, wanted to get in on the action.

She actually opens books, turns the pages and looks at the pictures now instead of (or rather in addition to) just chewing on them.

She's progressed to trying to stand up hands-free, but she always manages to fall down and conk her head on something or other. Other new skills include pulling things off any and all flat surfaces, climbing just about anything, putting objects into and pulling them out of containers, clapping her feet (not so new, but still adorable), laying her head on a pillow to pretend to sleep (although the photo below is what she looks like if we have the temerity to actually try to put her down for a nap!), getting into screaming fights with her sisters over toys, hugging baby dolls, squirming and throwing herself around to make herself almost impossible to restrain during diaper changes and any time she's being held, "singing" along with music, pretending to feed herself with a spoon, and throwing colossal violent tantrums.

In other words, she's a happy, healthy and very normal 9-month-old.
Happy 9-month birthday, Baby E. We love you.

Happy 9 months, Baby E!!!
Happy 3/4 of a year, Baby E.!!!
Could I have your permission to use this wonderful photo for a painting? I do watercolor.
Thanks, Amy and Dani.
Norma, I'll e-mail you about the photo. Thanks!
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