Our weekend, and Baby Signs
We had a marvelous time with a bunch of DH's family this weekend, staying up until the wee hours playing Balderdash and Settlers of Catan. Several of DH's nephews and nieces and one of his brothers were at our house at various times, and we got to see the newest baby in the family.
Baby E really loves babies. Here's a picture of her with her first cousin once removed (our nephew and niece's baby JL), and then a picture of her a month or two ago with the son of some other dear friends, Baby KT. (No, I'm not actually holding Baby J by the neck as it appears in this photo--I've got him in a football hold, which he loved.)

MM was playing ball with Baby E today, and trying to get her to say "ball". Finally, E started saying, "Dahl! Dahl!" and MM was so thrilled. "Did you hear that, Mommy? Did you hear Baby E say ball? She said ball!"
The girls also taught Baby E the hand sign for "all done" at lunch today. I've been using it with her for quite some time, but it wasn't until her sisters started doing it that it clicked for her. She was so proud of herself, and the older girls were of course delighted.
Now if I can just teach her to use the sign for "milk" instead of her self-invented sign when she wants to nurse. The way she's communicating it now gets the message across, but leaves something to be desired. She snuggles up to me and then--chomp!--bites my arm. Hard. That's her sign for milk.
Warning . . . attack baby on the loose!

First, I must say, your moulding is way too clean and you have off white carpeting that is apparently spotless. That does not make for a normal mom of three. ;)
Second, I *totally* laughed out loud at: "She snuggles up to me and then--chomp!--bites my arm. Hard. That's her sign for milk." It is not my pain, therefore I find it funny. LOL! I sure hope the real sign for milk 'clicks' with E soon. :)
Third, I really hope DH feels better soon and that you and the girls are spared. You poor folks just keep getting slammed with one illness after another. :(
That baby can attack me any time... she is just too darn cute!
LOL, Dani . . . it's called judicious cropping to cut out the worst of the crumbs and dirt clods on the carpet, which isn't as light as it looks in that photo--it's actually brown. :)
I laughed, too. We used to say "It's a crazy baby on the loose!"
I want to eat that baby up, she's so delicious!
I'm glad I gave you ladies a chuckle. I think it's funny, too, actually--at least when she's not biting me.
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