Sock Legwarmers

Here's how I made the leg warmers shown in the Busy Baby post:
Take a pair of socks (I used ladies' crew socks), and cut off the toes. Sew some 1" fold-over elastic (FOE) around the cut part. Baby E's legs are chubby, so I stretched out the socks a bit and then sewed the FOE without stretching. Depending on the width of the sock and of your baby's leg, you might need to stretch the elastic as you sew (narrower), or stretch the sock but not the elastic (wider).
If you don't have FOE, you could make a casing by turning the cut edge of the sock down, and then put in some elastic (wider is better for this purpose, I think). I'd measure the width of the baby's leg, cut an inch or so longer than that, and adjust to fit before sewing it up.
The cuff of the socks goes near baby's feet, the heel (if there is one) at baby's knee, and the part where you added the elastic at the thigh. You can turn up the cuffs or leave them down to adjust the fit.
They're not as cute as BabyLegs, but they work. Legwarmers are great for keeping a child's legs warm under clothes that leave a gap between the knee and the ankle, protecting knees for crawling, and covering the legs while allowing for easy diaper changes or EC (elimination communication).
After reading the busy baby post, I'm convinced that Baby E and Silas must have known each other. Or maybe they are just really similar in age and going through the same phases. These leg warmers are really cute, I still haven't figured out how to convert my sewing machine to the 220 current here, but this is good motivation!
My guess is that maybe they are similar personalities and ages, going through the same phases. :)
Ohmygosh, look at that baby leg! Just wanna bite it!
Can I sew the elastic if I don't know how to use a sewing machine and just sew by hand? My experience with sewing has been minimal: repairing a hem and re-attaching a button. Thanks!
Hi, Samantha. I've never tried to sew something like this by hand. I think if I were going to hand-sew it, I would probably make a casing (sort of like a wide hem) to thread the elastic through. But I don't know for sure. Sorry I can't be more help--I'm not an expert sewer either. :)
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