Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Birthday, M&M!

Today is M&M's 4th birthday. She's so excited to be four.

It's becoming tradition that the birthday person gets to decide what we have for breakfast on their birthday. This morning for breakfast, M&M decided we'd all make strawberry muffins. The girls happily helped me measure, dump and stir. Then they helped me cut up the strawberries.

M&M said, "I can weally cut up strawbewwies well now that I'm fouwr. When I was thwee-and-a-half I could cut pwetty good, but now that I'm fouwr I can do it weally weally well."

They cut up strawberries (they were soft enough to cut with serrated butter knives) and mixed them into the batter, then spooned the batter into the muffin cups and excitedly watched them bake.

It was cute to see them dancing around in front of the oven watching the muffins bake: "They're puffing up and turning brown, Mom! Look! Oh, goody, they're going to be so delicious! Strawberry muffins! They're OUR strawberry muffins; we made them! Yummy, yummy!"

When they were finally done, we devoured the muffins. They were delicious. When there was one left, the girls decided it would be fun to share it. So M&M was holding it and alternating between giving herself and AJ bites of it when there was a scream.


M&M was crying frantically and holding out her finger. "AJ bit my fingew! She bit it! It huwts weally bad; so bad, it huwts, it huwts, owww owww owww!!!!"

She cried and cried, so hard that I had to try to calm her down for fear that she would hyperventilate. When I finally got a look at the finger, I was flabbergasted. It was bleeding, all right. AJ's tooth had gone right through the top of MM's finernail, near the center of the nail bed.

I've never seen anyone bite clear through a fingernail before. That must have been some chomp.

AJ, of course, felt terrible, and it took a long time to get M&M calmed down (especially since she wanted DADDY and he was at work). But I finally put hydrogen peroxide and a band-aid with neosporin cream on it, and distracted her with a new Hello Kitty video we'd gotten for her birthday. They're watching it now, while Baby E takes a nap.

Oops; video is over--I'll have to write more about MM later.


Blogger OneTiredEma said...

Happy Birthday! and Ouch!!! Hope she's ok.

P.S. Are you going to post the muffin recipe? Pretty please?

1:20 PM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...


I hope it heals well.

Happy Birthday M&M!

2:58 PM  
Blogger KLee said...

Poor sweetie! It's bad enough to be accidentally bitten, but on your birthday? Poor girl! I hope she's better!

Happy 4th Birthday, Big Girl! (Now you have to change your sidebar! :)

I also echo the Strawberry Muffin recipe request. I too, want to watch them puff up and turn brown, and then get to devour said yummy muffins!

6:08 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Happy Birthday, M&M! (I love the new nickname she came up with, by the way). Strawberry muffins for breakfast--yum! Sounds like the girls really worked hard and had a lot of fun making the birthday breakfast. Too bad it ended in M&M getting her finger chomped. Ouch!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Phantom Scribbler said...

Poor M&M! I hope the band-aid made it feel all better, and she was able to enjoy her birthday!

It is a most excellent week for a birthday, no?

7:15 AM  

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