Monday Memory: How to tie a rebozo

When we went to Mexico in February, one of my favorite places was the Zócalo in Oacaxa City. The evening I bought the rebozo it was especially charming.

Mom and I were sitting in the square, holding Baby E and watching AJ and MM run around. Music played across the street, people strolled past, and children played with giant cylinder-shaped balloons.
My kids found a little boy about their age to play with, and the three of them ran around in circles, giggling. They enjoyed playing together even though they couldn't understand more than a word or two of each others' languages.
Meanwhile, I started talking with the lady accompanying the boy. Although she looked young enough to be his mother, she turned out to be the grandmother. She was very sweet and friendly, and obviously loved her grandson very much.
She showed me how to tie the rebozo I'd just bought. The way to tie it was almost like a square knot, but with a little loop so that it could be untied with one hand. Instead of pulling the second end all the way through, you leave it looped out like this:

I just pull the shorter end over my shoulder and the longer end under my arm and around the baby, wrap it tightly, then tie a square knot leaving one end looped in as shown. Normally I have the knot closer to my shoulder than shown in this photo, which seems to make her a little more secure in a wider sling. I make sure to tuck the edge under Baby E's bottom so she doesn't slide out. Pretty simple.
Since my blog is getting quite a few hits from people searching for the term "how to tie a rebozo", here's a link to a site about rebozos and babywearing, and here's the page on about how to tie shawls and rebozos. There's a video on that second site, as well. You can carry children from birth to about 30 lbs. in a rebozo, depending on how you tie it.
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A great memory, with good information, and cute baby pics. Can't beat that. And your how-to will draw traffic. I think my "broken zipper" entry gets 1/10 of my traffic.
Thanks for stopping by Aunt Dorothy's Taco Salad, and your soup sounds terrific.
That sounds like a terrific way to carry a baby. Great informative post!
Mexico is one of the places I really would like to visit.
I wish I had one of those when my children were little. Looks like a comfortable way to travel.
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