Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Up, Up, Down

I found some kids' books 5 for $1 at the Salvation Army's new store. I only had a few minutes, so I tried to look quickly and pick out some books that seemed appropriate. Since Baby E is so excited about the terms "up" and "down" lately, a book called Up, Up, Down by Robert Munsch seemed perfect.

When I got home, AJ and M&M immediately latched onto the book and started reading it. I was a bit chagrined when I realized that it depicts a little girl being quite naughty without much consequence. But hearing the two of them read it together was hilarious. They giggled and giggled, and then they wanted to read it to Daddy.

So we had a conversation about how the book shows what kids are NOT supposed to do, and that if the girls follow the book's example we will have to take away the book.

After they read the book to Daddy, I let them read it into my phone to post on Blogger. The file is the full 5 minutes long, but in my biased opinion very cute.

this is an audio post - click to play


Blogger Jane Dark said...

Oh, that IS cute!

10:00 PM  
Blogger KLee said...

That was hilarious. Sorry it's more of a "what not to do" book! One my kids always like is the "David" series by David Shannon. Starts with "No, David!" and continues to other books. It's a lot like this one in the fact that it shows David, doing all the wrong things.

I loved AJ's singsongy "no, no, no, no, no!" SO cute!

7:59 AM  

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