Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th, 2006

Happy Independence Day, everyone.

I've spent the day sleeping. I'm not sure what the problem is, but whatever has been increasingly making me feel sick and fatigued has been a lot worse the last couple of days.

Today I've been barely able to drag myself out of bed. It's not the most fabulous way to spend a holiday, but I'm really thankful it's happening on a day DH was able to stay home for most of the day. He did have to go in to work for a couple of hours, and left after putting the kids down for their naps.


When AJ came in to ask if it was time to get up (it was), I scared both AJ and myself by leaping up and gasping. I was sleeping so hard I didn't know she was in the room until she touched me and spoke to me. Her eyes were huge as we both recovered ourselves and I explained that I was just startled because I'd been asleep. I told the older girls they could play their computer game in the playroom while I dozed off again, figuring I could at least rest until Baby E woke up.

I was awakened a while later by the vague awareness that Baby E had been fussing for some time. I staggered out of bed and went in to get her. I was going to lie down to nurse her right away and then change her diaper later, but then she said "die-pew" with such clarity that it pierced even my foggy brain.

Sure enough, she had a dirty diaper. That's my girl.

I've been sleeping with only brief wakings since last night, and still don't feel any better than when I first went to sleep. I'm thankful for spell-check, because my typing looks dyslexic at best today and I'm having to retype each sentence at least once. It's really a good thing I don't have to drive anywhere.

I need to fix the kids and myself something to eat, and then DH will be home soon and I can crash in bed again.

I seriously thought about calling my mom to see if she could come over until DH got home, but then I remembered that she can't be around anyone who even might be sick, because of her kidney transplant and immune-suppresant drugs. Most other people (including MIL, who I know would be glad to help if she could) are probably busy with celebrations today, or live so far away that DH would be back by the time they got here anyway. Thankfully, DH called a little while ago to say he's stopping at the store and then will be home.

I hate feeling so non-functional. If I don't feel better tomorrow I'll make a doctor's appointment. The kids are still coughing and DH says he feels like he's fighting something too, so it's probably just whatever the rest of the family has. Still, I don't have a cough, so you never know.

Mostly I just hurt all over with achy joints and muscles and am bone-wrenching tired, with a headache and a bit of a sore throat. I don't know if the almost burning sensation in my neck muscles and ears is my muscles reacting to the physical therapy yesterday or something else.

It could even be just a FMS/CFS flare-up caused by the accident, but I'm thinking it's probably wise to get it checked out anyway if it's not better by tomorrow. Combined with the fatigue, weight loss and other issues I was having even before the accident, it's a bit worrisome. I want to at least get my thyroid checked.

I'm sure DH will take the kids out to see the neighborhood fireworks tonight. Me, I'll probably just listen to them from bed.

I'm just so thankful DH was here most of the day today and was willing to take over everything and even bring me something to eat in bed. Thanks, Dear.


Blogger ccw said...

Hope you feel better today!

Happy 4th!

6:21 AM  

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