Baby E's First Birthday

We had a quiet little party at home for Baby E's birthday tonight. We were all so tired after our trip that we fell asleep on the floor (DH), dragged around in a semi-functional manner (AJ and me), and/or got whiny (M&M and Baby E).
Still, Baby E enjoyed opening a couple of gifts and having cake.

M&M gave her a stuffed monkey; very soft and cute.

AJ gave her a Little People circus train, which she liked a lot.

I made a carrot cake from "The Complete Allergy Cookbook" that Baby E could have.

Since I haven't yet figured out a way to make frosting with no soy or corn (confectioner's sugar contains corn) I just drizzled a little maple syrup over it. Baby E was very excited about getting a whole piece of cake on the "You Are Special" red plate, with a candle in it.

Next time I think I'll add more sweetener to the recipe, as it wasn't quite sweet

DH and the girls sprinkled a little sugar on theirs and liked it that way.

Baby E preferred the pancakes and turkey to the cake.

Happy birthday, my darling 1-year-old girl. We love you so much!

cute cute pics!
here's an frosting recipe to try-
1 cup mashed sweet potato
1 ripe banana (could also use amasake)
2 T maple syrup or brown rice syrup
1 t orange juice
How could you resist eating up that delicious birthday girl?
Happy Birthday, Baby E!!!!
She is just SUCH a doll. I'm so glad she had such a fun little party.
She is just adorable. Happy birthday, Baby E!
Bridget, thanks for the recipe! I will try it.
I gave her lots of hugs and kisses, Liz. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes, Being Made and Phantom Scribbler!
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