Friday, August 11, 2006

Lost and Found . . . Zipper Pull?

Laptops can be really nice sometimes. I'm sitting in Baby E's room in the dark right now, typing away on DH's. I made the mistake of letting her take a nap at 5pm this evening and now she's wide awake.

She is still feeling a bit under the weather tonight, plus she may have gotten some corn (DH fed her while I was out running an errand, and gave her something questionable) and that may be affecting her ability to sleep. DH tried to rock her to sleep and we tried letting her be alone in her crib, but she got so hysterical and refused so staunchly to calm down that I eventually decided it might be better to sit in here with her, at least until she gets a little sleepier.

I hope she drops off soon . . . it's after midnight now and I'm tired, even if she isn't!

Last night she barely slept at all. She seemed to be so uncomfortable (either from being sick and/or from the tooth she's about to cut) that I finally gave her some infant's ibuprofen. Baby Advil was on the "safe list" at the corn allergy forum, but I was so tired and groggy by that point that I forgot to double-check the label. What I ended up giving her was the closest thing we had in the house, but it was the generic version which does apparently contain corn-derived ingredients. She went from uncomfortable to unsupportably miserable for the rest of the night.


We need to come up with some sort of organizing or labeling system to minimize accidents like that, in addition to doing things like buying a second toaster that will be dedicated to Baby E's bread to avoid cross-contamination.

Baby E and I both seemed to get a touch of what AJ had, but thankfully we've avoided the vomiting part. M&M has so far been unscathed and brimming with energy. AJ was still quite weak and tired today, but definitely on the mend. She missed a couple of days of their dearly-loved VBS. That was too bad, but I was so thankful that Vacation Bible School was going on this week for M&M while the rest of us were unwell.

Yesterday (the day AJ, Baby E and I ended up doing nothing much but sleeping a lot and lolling around feeling icky with no energy) it was really a blessing. DH has been dropping the girls off at VBS on his way to work in the mornings, and he took M&M as usual. After VBS was over, my SILs took her with them to the zoo. DH went over to their house and got her after dinner. I can't even begin to describe how helpful that was.

Eating allergen-free is getting easier. If I keep the refrigerator stocked with a good supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, that really helps a lot. I've been buying organic produce whenever possible to minimize the chances of food having been sprayed with citric acid, coated with wax, or treated with some other corn derivative. Then I wash them well with castile soap or vegetable wash and water, and peel them if possible.

Tonight I sliced a parsnip thinly and toasted it in a frying pan with a little olive oil. Then I added some sliced mushrooms and a little snipped parsley, seasoned it with a clove of minced garlic and some pre-chopped onions (Trader Joe's carries them at a decent price--it makes meal preparation so much faster and less painful). I sprinkled in some seasoned RealSalt (unrefined sea salt packaged with herbs and spices) and a little leftover marinara sauce.

With the addition of some leftover brown and wild rice pilaf and some safe turkey lunchmeat (we've found one brand Baby E and I can eat), it was really smelling good. I threw in a few alfalfa sprouts and decided I needed some crisp raw greens along with my meal. But I wasn't in the mood for a salad, so I pulled out some organic whole wheat pita bread and layered my parsnip mixture into it with some baby spinach and more sprouts. Wow, it was delicious.

I did get a bit of a surprise when I bit down on something hard and realized there was a zipper pull mixed in with the sprouts. I wonder how that got in there? According to the package, they were raised with only water and light. I've pictured all sorts of scenarios for how a zipper pull could have ended up in the package.

Now it's after 1 a.m. and Baby E seems to finally be winding down. Goodnight!


Blogger Dani said...

A zipper pull? Only you... ;)

I hope everyone is feeling better today.

6:16 AM  
Blogger Liz Miller said...

Sounds delicious, except for the zipper-pull.

I'm glad you seem to be getting a handle on the allergens.

Seems to me, that the best course of action around meds like baby ibuprophen is to just get rid of anything that can be substituted with something that you can give Baby E.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Dani said...

"Then I wash them well with castile soap or vegetable wash and water, and peel them if possible."

Just thought I'd share....

I read something the other day about using baking soda as a way to scrub the wax off fruits and veggies. I thought that was a great, low-cost idea.

7:10 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Dani, that was my thought exactly. LOL.

Liz, that's what I'm going to do . . . get rid of all the things which we would have only used for Baby E, which she can't have. I'd like to just make the whole house mostly corn-free, but DH doesn't agree that is a good idea since the corn-free substitites are mostly more expensive, especially for bread.

Thanks, Dani . . . I heard that recently also, but am not sure exactly how to do it. Do you make a paste of the baking soda and scrub with it like with scouring powder, or what?

8:35 PM  
Blogger Dani said...

Yup.... use it just like scouring powder. Dipping your wet vegetable brush in it works well.


1:29 PM  

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