Friday, October 27, 2006

Cute Kids

I was sitting at the computer while feeding Baby E this evening. AJ came up behind me and looked over my shoulder as I typed suggestions for a healthy cake recipe in reply to a query on Ask Moxie.

M&M called from the hall, "What are you doing, AJ?"

"Seeing what Mom is doing," AJ answered, silently reading what I'd typed. "She's the one who helps people. She always helps people when they need help. You help a lot of people, don't you, Mommy?"


M&M is working so hard on saying her R's correctly.

One day she was talking to AJ and I heard her say "ran" with a real R. I said, "M&M! You just said your R right! Did you know that? You said "ran" instead of "wan". Good for you!"

She got really excited, and ever since she's been very conscious of her R's. First for several weeks she would say "rrrr-wan" and "rrr-wight." Now it often sounds more like a "zh" sound, but more and more often she is actually ending up with a real "rr" sound. Most of all, I'm just proud that she's been working at it so hard and so consistently all on her own initiative.

Both girls are doing amazingly well with their reading, too. Both can pick up random children's books and read most of the words. M&M was reading a book about hugs today and started giggling when she read, "How about a wiggly hug?" AJ picks up everything and reads it, not even hesitating at words like diarrhea and athsma on flyers at various doctor's offices.

Baby E loves books too. Having anyone read to her is her favorite activity. Tonight she wanted me to read her a book about animal sounds, and she chuckled and made all the sounds along with me, pointing at the animals. She made me read the book twice, then she picked it up and went to find Daddy so he could read it to her again.

She seems to be doing fine with rice, so I made up a yummy pumpkin muffin recipe with rice flour tonight.

I'll try giving her some pear tomorrow.


Blogger Kevin said...

Ah... warms my heart. Thanks. :)

12:31 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Kevin.

11:36 PM  

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