Thursday, November 02, 2006

Appointments and Cancellations

The GI specialist's office just called. Their next new-patient appointment available is in December. So Baby E now has an appointment for the middle of December.

Her bloodwork came back and, while I only talked to the nurse, she thought everything looked normal. Nothing that really indicated celiac in the bloodwork.

Meanwhile, Baby E is still under the weather. She is not terribly miserable today, but not feeling good either.

We're down to about 2-3 foods she's willing to eat.


I'm just worried that if I feed her just chicken and grapes she may develop allergies to those as well. But I don't know how to get her to eat anything else at this point. I'm going to see if I can make an allergen-free "pumpkin" pie out of butternut squash from my grandparents' garden today.

I wonder how long this will go on before we can get some answers. I'm trying not to contemplate the possibility that there may not be answers. I'm sure there must be parents who just have to accept that their child is unwell most of the time, without knowing why or how to fix it. I can't imagine dealing with that.

My doctor's office called this morning, just as I finished picking up the babysitter. My doctor was unable to see me today, they said. They called to cancel less than 30 minutes before the appointment. The physician's assistant could see me at a different time, they said.

But besides the conflict with Baby E's allergist appointment, I already saw the PA. He told me that I needed to see my primary care doctor. It doesn't make sense to go back to a PA again only to be told--again--that I need to see a regular doctor.

It took months to get this appointment.

They had an opening for tomorrow with a different doctor, but my babysitter is not available tomorrow. I made the appointment anyway, thinking I'd just take the kids along.

But at this point I think I'll just cancel it. It's not urgent that I get in to see a doctor this week . . . all the things I'm going in about are chronic and not terribly acute at the moment.

Seeing a different doctor might be a good thing, anyway. The doctor I was supposed to see today was one we saw with Baby E when she was young. We weren't terribly impressed.