Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Not-So-Excellent Allergist

The allergist's nurse called back. She had talked to Dr. D and her tone was quite different this time.

He didn't feel that I needed to be seen, she said. At some time in the future we could test for coconut allergy if I wanted to. Not right away, though. He didn't think an epi-pen was necessary, but if I wanted him to he could phone in a prescription.

He suggested Aquaphor for my chapped lips.

I told her the chapped lips were the least of my worries. The symptoms like itching and tightess in my throat worried me a lot more than any chapped lips.


Honestly, I got the impression from the nurse that he didn't really believe I'd had an allergic reaction, or that I could know it was from the coconut oil.

It feels like he diagnosed that I didn't really have an allergic reaction without seeing or talking to me.

But I know I did.

I still itch.

I don't make this stuff up or imagine it just for the fun of it. Do you think I want to be dealing with all these allergies? It's not like I sit around thinking, "Hmmm, what can I do to make my life more difficult and uncomfortable today?"

As I said to my mom the other day, "How can you have an allergist who doesn't believe in allergies?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to ask Dr. B. to recommend someone he would trust. Since Dr. B. is the kind of doctor you like, he would probably recommend allergists who are like him.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow. That is all.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

He didn't even consult with you personally?? I agree with liz - it's time for a new allergist. Perhaps a fresh perspective on the whole matter might bring to light something that the present doc hasn't bothered to look into.

7:18 PM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Liz, Madeleine and Sue. I'm thinking that I need to find a new allergist as well as finding myself a doctor.

It was frustrating when I called the on-call line last night and couldn't tell them who my doctor was. Since I don't actually have a primary care provider any more, that makes things a little difficult.

1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY a new allergist. No question about it. This is really outrageous.

7:12 AM  
Blogger Jody said...

Oh no.


8:49 AM  

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