Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Window Into Baby E's World

Well, I did end up taking the Benadryl last night. I don't like to take it because it makes me so tired and grouchy the next day, but the coconut reaction just wasn't going away.

The hot dizzy feeling and eyelids puffing up were what finally made me go ahead and take the Benadryl--children's dye-free bubblegum-flavored liquid, since that's the only one that's corn-free. At least we had that in the house.

It helped right away with the itching and some of the other symptoms, but it made the throat symptoms worse. My difficulty swallowing became worse, to the point where my throat was literally making strange squeaking and gulping noises when I swallowed. I got slightly hoarse and started coughing dryly.

I don't know if it was because the benadryl dried out my throat or if it just wasn't working yet or what, but it scared me enough that I called and had a doctor paged so I could ask if I needed to be heading to an emergency room.


By the time he called back 10 minutes later it was already getting better, so I ended up just going to bed. I woke DH up first, and told him that if I started coughing uncontrollably or having difficulty breathing he would need to take me to the ER. He mumbled, "Oh, okay" and rolled over to go back to sleep.

I know he would have gotten up if I'd really needed him to, though. Thankfully, I didn't end up needing him to wake up all the way.

Now I'm groggy and tired, but the sore throat I've had for a week is much better. I'm still congested and the muscles in my throat feel strained, though, like they do after yelling a lot at a sports event or coughing too hard.

I had a lot of the same symptoms Baby E seems to get, I think. She always acts like her throat/mouth, ears, nose and head are bothering her when she has a reaction. I got itching in all those places plus a colossal headache and the feeling of my throat constricting. My stomach reacted immediately, as hers seems to do. This morning I have diarrhea, too.

I almost wonder if this happened partly so I would understand Baby E better and be able to verify that many of the symptoms she gets could be related to an allergic reaction. I never really thought I'd be thanking the Lord for an awful allergic reaction, but in a way I am glad I experienced it.

I'd prefer not to have allergic reactions, but I do appreciate that this one helped me understand Baby E better. None of the symptoms were things that would have been particularly apparent to anyone observing--if I'd been a baby I'm sure I would have been screaming and thrashing around the way E does, with little or no indication why.

Now I'm thinking I should probably call the allergist and ask about having an adult-dose epi-pen prescribed, just in case. I wonder what he'll say?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my dear, I'm glad that you are better.

What is left that you folks can eat????

11:51 AM  
Blogger purple_kangaroo said...

Thanks, Liz. At this point I'm more worried about what we're going to do for soap, shampoo and detergent than what we're going to eat.

11:54 AM  

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