Time Machine

Baby E, 2 1/2 months old, almost 15 lbs.

Baby E, 15 1/2 months old, 22 lbs. and much taller.
Exact same outfit, size 70. My favorite brand.
tackling life's puzzles
one piece at a time.
Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.
Posted by purple_kangaroo at 12:05 AM[Permanent link]
I'm a creative, intense, honest and adventurous person with a love for God and people.
DH (Dear Husband) and I have been married 15 years and have 4 girls: AJ, age 13; M&M, age 12; Ebee, who is 9; and Baby Nae, born in December 2013.
God has been faithful to sustain us despite my health challenges (which include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome (ME), migraines, a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and occasional extra fun twists like the year I had mono on top of it all. :)
Since removing excitotoxins from my diet as part of a clinical research study in 2009, my health has improved considerably.
Ebee has grown out of her food allergies and intolerances, and all four kids are happy, healthy and doing great. We're in a season of enjoying life very much right now.
Thanks for visiting!
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Laughing. Baby Blue is still wearing a size 70 Hanna that I first bought for her when she was 4 months old. (OK, it swam on her back then.) And she's still wearing the pink and red one that Baby E is in, too!
The Hanna clothes really do fit a large size range, don't they? And with our petite, slow-growing kids they fit pretty much forever.
M&M finally grew out of size 80 earlier this year, and AJ is now in 100.
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