Monday, October 17, 2005

What do you mean I'm not on the schedule?

We got to the doctor's office today, and were told we didn't have an appointment! I remember standing next to the calendar making the appointment and repeating it back to the scheduler as I wrote it on the calendar, but they have us down for next Tuesday. Very odd. So hopefully she'll be well enough by then to get her shots by then. We'll do at least the DTaP at that time, and probably several more.

She is such a joy . . . hard to believe she's already almost 11 weeks old and 15 lbs!

This picture is blurry because she's never still, but this is a very common facial expression for her. Such a happy kid! She's reaching out and grabbing for things quite intentionally now, and has learned how to suck on her fist.

She has been hungry almost constantly this week, and is waking up at least 3 times during the night again. I think it probably has something to do with my being sick and therefore not producing as much milk. Since I'm starting to feel a bit better, that should improve in a few days.

I was doing some research about colds vs. flu today, and it looks like we have definitely been having the flu. Hopefully it will give us some good immunity for the rest of the season. I'm still very tired and draggy, so haven't had much energy for blogging/replying to comments or much else.

We started trying the flat cloth diapers today, and Baby E certainly lets us know right away when she's wet! She hates having a wet/dirty diaper even with disposables, but even more with cloth. I think it's a good thing as it makes sure we notice and change her right away. We may end up using cloth when we're at home during the day and disposables for outings and possibly nighttime. We'll see.

Both of the older girls have had dry pull-ups the last several mornings and are wearing cloth training pants tonight. They both responded favorably to the idea of wearing big-girl underwear at night when I suggested it tonight. I guess limiting water at bedtime is helping! It sure was hard to deny my children crying for water and insisting that they were SO thirsty the first few nights, but they're complaining less now and drinking plenty during the day.

A and M are making great progress in their schoolwork, and still loving it.

M is really getting her letters and numbers down well, and is starting to be willing to work at things a little harder, follow directions better, etc. She's starting to really show an interest in learning to read, too, as she watches A become more proficient.

A is to the point where she's picking up random books and reading them, and needing help mostly just with words that are unusual or are exceptions to phonics rules. She read a book about Clifford the Big Red Dog and Emily Elizabeth today, and I only had to help her once! She was just playing by herself and picked it up to read out loud with no prompting from anyone. M loves to listen to her big sister read, too. She will ask A where a word is on the page or what a letter combination says, and A enjoys teaching her. A is asking questions about punctuation such as apostrophes, and sounding out even words she doesn't know and then asking what they mean.

All three girls still love to be read to or to just sit with us while we're working at the computer.

Today I got out a collection of preschool activities I picked up at a thrift shop, and we played several educational games. The girls understand the rules of a lot of board and card games now, and it's really fun to play with them. They enjoy taking turns drawing cards, spinning a wheel and counting the spaces to move.

Oh, and I received my DivaCup today and was able to try it out right away, given the timing. I'm quite impressed so far. Those of you who were wanting a review, feel free to ask questions in the comments. Depending on how I feel over the next few days it may take me a little while to answer, but I'll do my best.


Blogger Liz Miller said...

Your family is so beautiful! And your girls are so smart! E is very advanced and so are M and A.

I hope that your flu goes away soon.

6:38 AM  
Blogger ccw said...

What beautiful pictures! Baby E is so pretty.

I hope you all feel better soon.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

I'm happy to hear you are on the mend.

Your family is accomplishing so much, school and potty wise. Many congratulations to you.

And that is one gorgeous baby!

5:34 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Look at that huge smile! What a little sweet heart. 15 pounds, wow! My Alex is 16 pounds and 6 months old. My older two were probably about that at Baby E's age though. It's wierd having a small baby.

I have done that before as well, showed up for an apt. on the wrong day even though I swore up and down I was there on the right day. Oh well.

10:20 AM  
Blogger halloweenlover said...

What a beauty E is! My goodness! I'm glad to hear that everything is going well and that you are feeling better!

1:09 PM  

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