Never a dull moment
She slept through the night and her tongue and rashes are getting better. I'm thinking the probiotic may have been giving her problems. The nystatin and her reflux medicine didn't seem to bother her. She seemed to feel much better today than she has for the last few days.
My FIL had surgery today to clean out the infection in his knee and to try to figure out what exactly is wrong with it. They found a heart murmur also, so will be following up on that. We hope he'll feel better soon, especially since we have the family Christmas white elephant party at our house this weekend.

AJ asked to learn something new about addition today, so she learned how to add multi-digit numbers. I kept the problems simple, with no carrying. She caught on very quickly to the concept of starting with the right-hand column and just adding one set of numbers at a time across the row. She was so excited about it.
I helped her write some of the numbers, but she did all the adding by herself with minimal instruction. I do wonder sometimes if I should be concerned about the frequency with which she writes backwards. She easily reads backwards and upside-down as well.

When DH got home AJ was eager to show her paper to him:
Twelve plus four is sixteen, Dad . . . . One hundred thirty-four plus twelve equals one hundred and forty-six.
See, you start here. Four plus one is six, three plus one equals four, and one plus zero equals one. You just have to add one part at a time. Then you put it all together and that makes one hundred forty-six. Isn't that great!?
. . . This is me, and these music notes are there to show how much I love music. That's my name, and I wrote a five down here because I'm five.
. . . Yeah, I did write those numbers backwards, but [chuckling] that's okay. I'll learn!
I love seeing kids so excited about learning.
I made a chicken soup tonight with my homemade chicken stock and some vegetables, and had buckwheat noodles on the side for everyone to add if desired.
The soup was a huge hit. Everybody in the family devoured it and asked for seconds and thirds. Even Baby E ate every bit--including vegetables she normally turns down. M&M said it was "the most yummiest soup ever" and AJ had something like 4 or 5 servings.
We had an artichoke for dessert, but AJ and I were the only ones who really liked it.
Something I ate tonight seems to be bothering Baby E. She got uncomfortable and started crying during her last nursing session, and then wasn't able to stay asleep the several times she dozed off. I always feel badly when something in my milk bothers her.
I suspect the nutritional yeast I sprinkled on my soup. It's not supposed to be an issue with the Candida--it's a completely different type of yeast (dead anyway) and chock-full of good nutrition. It shouldn't be a corn issue, as it's grown on sugar beets and has no additives. But I'm wondering if Baby E may be allergic to some kinds of yeast along with the mold.
Life is always exciting here.
When Kid L was in kindergarten she wrote some letters and numbers backwards almost all the time. I did ask the teacher and she said that most kids will do that but it goes away. It did go away before the year was up.
However, we have the cute card tucked away where she wrote "Dabby".
My daughter wrote many letters backwards and even used to write whole words and sentences backwards and/or from right to left on the paper instead of left to right. Her Waldorf teacher told me not to worry about it, that it was normal and could continue to the fifth grade but should pass by then. Teacher was right. This year my daughter is 10 and all the backwards, mixed up stuff is gone!
CCW and Tara, thank you. It's good to know your kids grew out of it. I don't make a huge deal out of it.
Izzak has very bad dyslexia and if you are concerned I can share some of his earliest signs of it. Email me anytime. He has several other learning problems also but through all of it I have learned what all the early signs for each one really were (some of it in hindsight now)The other 3 kids though at 5 and 6 where writing lots backwards also but were out of it by the time they were in 1st grade at least by the end of the year and Madison (kindergarten) is already writing the right directions. There are a lot more signs when they have a true learning problem, I have experienced it with Izzak for years now and he is in the 6th grade. Don't worry to much about it right now I wouldn't start being to concerned till the end of what would be her first grade year.
I am sorry Baby E is having so many problems I wish it would get better for her.
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